first grow bagseed, comment

This is my first grow. Feel free to comment. I germoinated 5 seeds into seedlings. This is day 5. All five have sprouted. They vary from two to five inches. They are growing outdoors in potted plants until I move them indoorsill do an ujpdate with more info and some pics.
I just went and got foxfarm organic soil. Foxfarm growbig nutrients. A growlight. (125 w 6500k blue light.) I am worki ng on transplanting on my young plants. Regarding the nutes, what is the best mix ratio to water. And when should I start giving them nutes?


Well-Known Member
I just went and got foxfarm organic soil. Foxfarm growbig nutrients. A growlight. (125 w 6500k blue light.) I am worki ng on transplanting on my young plants. Regarding the nutes, what is the best mix ratio to water. And when should I start giving them nutes?
Nute when they'er much older, and start off small, watering down your nute solution by 1/4 and slowly increasing based on how your plant reacts. Feed them too early and you'll just end up burning the plant and slowing your grow down immensely. Are you turning this into an indoor grow? One grow light won't be enough. I've got 4 plants and 5 lights...
Yeah, do not give them nutes for atleast 2-3 weeks after they have sprouted!! The seedling simply cannot handle it, the leftovers will sit there and if it absorbs too much it will kill her before she even sees the world. I personally wait 5-6 weeks, but thats just me.

And use 20-20-20 or something higher in nitrogen and less in potassium for veg. Vice versa for flowering. Nitrogen is essential for growing and cell production.
Thanks for the info! Yes I am moving these plants indoors. I am in the middle of moving into my house from an apartment. There will be my closet room with more lights, exhaust, intake, reflective material. Until then I will be using this.
IMG_20120712_212423.jpg update with pic:
This is my temporary closet set up. The 6500k blue growlight is n inch or two above the seedlings. I transplanted them from outdoors to potted plants wioth fox farm organic soil. I had to water them slightly as the soil is dry. During the transplant I had to dig to the very boottom of the pots. One went very well with thick roots, the other had a weak root. I propped both up by packing soil, one is leaning badly. Hopefully it will recover from the transplant. Seedling one seems to be doing well. Has responded well to the indoor environment and new light, its leaves are pulling upwards. I'm hoping the light will help it pull the second seedling up by tomorrow. Questioons comments?


Well-Known Member
Cut back on the watering. Let the roots dig into the soil. The droopiness may be an early sign of root rot. Very common in new growers.
How do I prevent root rot? And what is it exactly. I watered because I thought the soil was too dry, other than that iv watered one time since they popped. But it seems that you are right, plus it has been really rainy here and they were outside. I looked this morning and seed two is still leaning over, facing down on defeat. I potted it because it was the only seedling with four leafs, the others have two. Seedling one is the tallest of them all. I have others still outside to replace the second if it is dead.


Well-Known Member
Root rot is exactly that, when the soil doesn't dry out, the roots begin to rot themselves out. Roots need to breathe. Heat will help determine how often to water too just because it will evaporate a little bit of what you water. Water once, wait 4 days. You'll start watering more often as they get older.


Active Member
those things look really stretchy. once they are establish plants in veg you should replant up to the cotyldons.

also idk about your nutes but look into general hydroponics "GO" box (general organics) its a complete nutrient box containing cal/mag, all veg nutes, flower nutes everything you need. THis stuff works amazing man seriously. My plants are sooooo vigorous. They broke ground on june 20th. There are 8 plants sharing a 400w mh too so keep that in mind as well. as of today the are measuring in at 12 inches tall. And i had to replant due to stretching. So the growth is just amazing. heres a link to my grow

check the plants out(have been feeding once every 5 days.

Not saying trying to think my stuff is the best blah blah whatever. But damn look at the growth. And they have almost doubled since those pics
in response, I don't call anyone a noob or whatever. All advise is much appreciated, and very well noted. Yes I ackknowledge that I over wagtered to the point that one of my plants has layed down. My question
Is it possible to save seed two?
I noticed that they are all very stretchy, that's just how they penetrated and grew in my outdoor plants. They seem very lanky and the roots may be weak.


Well-Known Member
You can save stretchy, but I wouldn't save root rot. I successfully saved one plant but it was only because I got lucky and it was barely starting to droop. I had killed a bunch of plants before that BECAUSE of over watering, so I knew my problem and stopped watering it for like 5 days and it did finally come back. I think yours is too far gone. I have a small space in my closet I'm growing in, check out my set up and such, it might help you to get yours going. I do grow indoors though. Gonna try outdoors next year. My thread to my grow is below. Hope it gives ya an idea.
Ipeeoin pools, your advise is definately noted and being put to use! I ackowledge seed two is dead beyond repair. Seed one may have a slight lean but I feel like it is responding well. I just fixed the light to be closer. I had started outdoors in pots but moved those two in. When I put foxfarm organix soil I thought it needed a very small amount of water as it was very dry, probaly a mistgake even though it was a teaspoon of water. It had been raining outside the past few days, so it may have been a bad idea. Based on the pics do youj think plant one will be ok? It is just ntall and lanky and needs to be replanted closer to the top of the plant. Advise?
Also nthis closet is temporary as I am closing on moving into my house. I will be buying panda film, exhaust and intake fans, lights, etc.


Well-Known Member
Ipeeoin pools, your advise is definately noted and being put to use! I ackowledge seed two is dead beyond repair. Seed one may have a slight lean but I feel like it is responding well. I just fixed the light to be closer. I had started outdoors in pots but moved those two in. When I put foxfarm organix soil I thought it needed a very small amount of water as it was very dry, probaly a mistgake even though it was a teaspoon of water. It had been raining outside the past few days, so it may have been a bad idea. Based on the pics do youj think plant one will be ok? It is just ntall and lanky and needs to be replanted closer to the top of the plant. Advise?
Looks like 1 is fine, yes, but the seedlings are fickle creatures!! Treat her right and she'll tell you what she needs. Don't go all out for growing, stick with simplicity. Learn. THEN get the good shit once you can yield!