First Grow autoflower buddha white dwarf


Hi this is my first time growing and on the forum so I could do with a little help,

I've got buddha white dwarf feminized autoflower seeds, I've germinated 3 seeds in a paper towel and they popped fine after 3 days. I've now had them in my grow box for 7 days and there is no signs of life, i've got them in canna professional mix soil under a 250w dual spectrum bulb and hav watered each pot 300ml a day (seems to be the right amount) and I'm pretty sure the seeds arent in too deep.

Any advice or thoughts as to where im going wrong or if i've completely screwed up the seeds somehow would be greatly appreciated



Well-Known Member
only water if the top soil is dry other wise they will probly be rotten or sunk down to deep seems a bit long for them to break the surface.the easiest way to tell is carfully dig one up to see what it is doing.


How far did u plant the seed down ? and i would take the light off them untill they shoot . I left mine in the dark and they shooted themselves also try keeping them warm. After they start showing there first signs of green leaves then put them under a low heat light like a cfl . Also wait till they have dried out before watering them anymore u could be watering them too much. Check how much water is in them by tested the weight of the pots if they still feel heavy dont water them. Try gettin a heated propagation box and put them in there . Hope this helps :)


think i put them about 1cm in.

that's great thanks for the advice. im thinking the most likely problem was too much water. i've got a couple of seeds left so hopefully they'll work out


as long as i dont over water and plant at the right depth do u think that current set up will be fine for the plants to actually grow (ignoring yield etc)

thanks for the help