First grow, Auto Easy Ryder


Active Member
Yeah, the more and more i think about it, the less stressed I get. Cause i mean pot plants grow ALOT of leaves, and you eventually prune some off anyways. So what im thinking is that if the plant itself keeps growing good and growing new leaves (which she is!) that shes gonna be alright. My only concern is that since shes an auto and has such a short life cycle will it mess up since its trying to repair itself. I'm just gonna grow that bitch and see what happens lol. Thanks to everyone who gave me their opinion on the matter for realz!! Keep growing my friends! and keep the comments coming!! : )

-Swamp Dank


Well-Known Member
Yeah man just leave her be and there's people who will say prune and people like me who say NEVER prune any leaves. I think of them as the plants solar panels and your only stressing a autos short life cycle. Like been said, nature doesn't get pruned! Just keep it simple :)


Active Member
Ok so today i went and bout a ph tester and a himidiguide thermometer combo. I'm going to order a 400w HPS light set up friday when i get paid. I checked her ph and it was coming in at 6.8, the temp is around 81 degrees and humidity at 33-36. I added some bowls of hot water to try and raise the humidity level. I have just a small fan blowing up at my lights, the plant itself barely moves at all , almost not at all. Her new leaves that are coming in look amazing. Besides the fucked leaves on the top, I think shes doing great and is going to make it. Please tell me what yall think!!! Much love, keep smoking and growing!!



Active Member
After i got home i went to check on her and the temp is now 71 degrees the humidity at 42. (this reading came right when the lights came on from dark time)


Active Member
thanks man yeah i think shes starting to look good bro! Today when I went and checked on her, shes smelling soooooo goood. It blew my mind how "cheesy" she was smelling! The 8 new leaves are growing in GREAT. I think shes gonna make it man. Tomorrow im going to the local hardware store and getting a metal hood to add to my lights and see if that helps concentrate all the light directly on her. When I get paid saturday, I think im gonna order a 400w HPS setup.What you think about that and do you think that she looks like shes gonna make it?? Much love keep growing/blowing!

-Swamp Dank



Well-Known Member
thanks man yeah i think shes starting to look good bro! Today when I went and checked on her, shes smelling soooooo goood. It blew my mind how "cheesy" she was smelling! The 8 new leaves are growing in GREAT. I think shes gonna make it man. Tomorrow im going to the local hardware store and getting a metal hood to add to my lights and see if that helps concentrate all the light directly on her. When I get paid saturday, I think im gonna order a 400w HPS setup.What you think about that and do you think that she looks like shes gonna make it?? Much love keep growing/blowing!

-Swamp Dank
LOLOL of course she is gonna make it dude, she is looking heatlhier than ever. the 400 w hps is gonna make that thing plump up. I will be stoked to see how it compares to my ryder with cfl's


Well-Known Member
that sun systems is a great seller, probably for a reason haha. I would go with that beast. dude you could get some nice nuggets from that mofo.


Active Member
couple more pics tell me what yall think!!! used a magnifying glass to show the smaller ones up close pretty cool shot i think.


Active Member
Here are a few pics from today of my Pineapple Chunk. The bigger fan I was using has been removed for days. I have a very small personal fan that is blowing at the lights and out to my exhaust fan at the door of the closet. The her new 8 leaves are growing in nicely and getting big fast. The top leaves that I came to conclusion that were wind burned, still look terrible. I've been stressing out soo bad about her, because ive put so much time and effort into her. But now i see the new leaves growing and it is taking some of the stress away. I mean if she's still growing new leaves, she's healthy and okay right???? Please tell me what yall think, any opinions are GREATLY appreceated!!!:joint::eyesmoke::mrgreen:

-Swamp Dank



Breeath, breeeath... Take it easy, only been 2 days since the last pic of a 3" plant! I know this is all new and exciting stuff...:blsmoke:

IMO, do not feed them any nutes for damn near 3 weeks! Do not over water them! Water one day and let it get pretty dry, not bone dry just to when the dirt starts pulling away from the sides of the container. You want those root to get oxygen and reach deeper down when the soil drys out a bit. Don't over think it.

Less is More! Happy growing!


Active Member
sorry my pc was fkn up here is the other pic i wanted to post.
Breeath, breeeath... Take it easy, only been 2 days since the last pic of a 3" plant! I know this is all new and exciting stuff...:blsmoke:

IMO, do not feed them any nutes for damn near 3 weeks! Do not over water them! Water one day and let it get pretty dry, not bone dry just to when the dirt starts pulling away from the sides of the container. You want those root to get oxygen and reach deeper down when the soil drys out a bit. Don't over think it.

Less is More! Happy growing!

Thanks man, I put up another post about it and everyone is telling me nute burn, which osmocote soil does have slow release nutes in it, but i havent given it any. And if it was, wouldnt the new leaves that are coming in be fucked up? Alot of ppl told me it was prob wind burn which made alot of sense because I started using a bigger fan, but i took it out. Here are some pics through my magnifying glass. Look real close between the leaves, are those two more tiny leaves coming in?? And, up top are those tiny leaves coming in? Does she look alright though? Because shes still growing great. Thanks
And Anotherday, I haven seen any yet, but shes starting to smell more and more each day!

-Swamp Dank


Well-Known Member
Dude, it might be big enough to handle the nutes now or something haha. it is growing great right now, i think your worries should be gone for now.


Active Member
Dude, it might be big enough to handle the nutes now or something haha. it is growing great right now, i think your worries should be gone for now.

Hahaha, THANKS man!!! I think I'm gonna wait until week four to add nutes (just to keep it on the safe side) she makes 3 weeks today (well I keep count from the day I planted to germinated seed.) But yeah man her new leaves are getting BIG QUICK! and after close examination each two leaves have two more baby leaves coming in! She is starting to smell sooo good brotha! I finally named her "the chosen one" hahaha since she is the only one that made it and has gone through this junk and is still rocking strong!! I just wish those damn leaves wouldn't have done that, cause she would look even more BEAUTFUL if those leaves were heathy looking. Thanks for the input my dude! KEEP ON SMOKIN AND GROWIN!

-Swamp Dank


Well-Known Member
ive only given my diesel ryder nutes once, and it was the 3rd or 4th day i saw hairs... gave it a verrrry light bloom boost.. like 1/6 recommended ammt.. ill probably give it some more next time after next watering.


Active Member
Well grow world, it's been a few days since my last update and my little lady is growing GREAT! All of her new leaves are getting big, and the new two leaves between each new set of leaves are getting bigger too!! My daschund had her puppies today and she had 4 of them! SO IM STOKED!(I HAD to put a pic in lol) Full blood dapple daschund!!! (well 3 were dapple, 1 red) and all im seeing is $$$ signs lol, ANYWAYS getting back on subject lol I've been keeping my ph level around 6.6 . I have the humidity staying at around 50-55%, the temps are clocking in at around 75-89. VERY OFTEN does it get above 90 degrees. Ive had to raise my lights, and I usually keep them around 3 inches TOPS from the top of her, but now I have the light just at 4 inches from the top of plant. I've found that now since shes growing good side to side, that she is enjoying the extra inch, and zero risk of burn : ) Please feel free to give me your input, if you think im doing something right,wrong,good,bad, etc. Thanks!! KEEP GROWING AND SMOKING ALL DAY!! hahahahahaha:weed:

-Swamp Dank

