First grow, Auto Easy Ryder


Well-Known Member
Arrr fair comment. Why I would say most of what you read is true about 12/12 it can be genetics where get the odd unlucky one who hasn't quite got the 'full' auto in it therefore by 12/12 it for couple days your just giving it a kick up the arse. It wont harm it in any way, give it couple days of 12/12 IMO and if nothing happens switch back to 20/4 and wait it out. My Easy Ryders took a while to flyer but did it on there own.
She has pistols all over her bro. Zoom in you can see. And on the top they are just the reg pistols, but seem to have something small growing in the corner of them, I don't wanna switch to 12/12,Plus I've read on numerous places that switching it to 12/12 wont make
It flower, you have to wait it out. Can anyone confirm this?!?! so I'm gonna wait a few more days and see if a absolutely HAVE to. She's isn't stretching at all, looks like that cause I clipped some of the top fan leaves off due to the nute burn.


Well-Known Member
yeah i've heard others say the same ... somtimes they need a bumpstart .... but i've never experienced it myself so its all hear say i'm affraid


Active Member
Arrr fair comment. Why I would say most of what you read is true about 12/12 it can be genetics where get the odd unlucky one who hasn't quite got the 'full' auto in it therefore by 12/12 it for couple days your just giving it a kick up the arse. It wont harm it in any way, give it couple days of 12/12 IMO and if nothing happens switch back to 20/4 and wait it out. My Easy Ryders took a while to flyer but did it on there own.
Yeah i feel ya now, and I may have to switch to 12/12. After checking out her this morning with my microscope, I think I found its first little hair!!! So i guess im going to let her go on for a couple more days, and if i dont see anymore hairs, ill switch to 12/12 and see how that goes. Here are a few pics of those little bumbs on the main cola in the corner where the pistols meet the leaves on the new leaves, im hoping this is bud devolping. Zoom in and tell me whatcha think!!!

-Swamp Dank



Well-Known Member
man thats hard to tell..... really it looks good in a couple of areas.... but i know its sooooo hard to get good pics with such a tiny subject

do what you say ... leave it until its clear one way or the other and work out a plan from there


Active Member
Thanks troutie! That's what I'm gonna do
Man. I'm almost positive that it has it's first hair growing out, and in person you can see it but yeah it's hard to get a shot even with my microscope. But in between the top pistols there for sure is like a tiny ball there it deff doesn't look like more leaves growing in either. So I'm hoping she shows signs in the next few days, she's so damn big man I hope I get a good harvest


Active Member
Ok, so after a few days, I see a small white hair growing, that has gotten bigger, there is also one growing on the other side as well. Also, in between the pistols there are small ball looking growths, they are growing on the top main cola and where the white hair is. (its on the first nodes from the top. Here are a few pics, if you can zoom in (very hard to get a good shot, even with my iphone and microscope) you can see the hair that is growing. Are these good signs that she is starting to flower? Or should I go ahead and switch her cycle to 12/12? Or even if this is a good sign of flowering should I switch to 12/12 anyways?? Haha so many questions I know. Please some give me your input or advice, Thanks!!

-Swamp Dank



Active Member
oh wow day 50 you DO have hairs? or are they green parts of the plant? shes 18 inches? shes giong to end up in the high 20's or should...unless its doing the stretch now... what seeds are they? can you see through the pistols?

My bad buddy, I over looked your post!!! And she is starting to grow little hairs for sure, well only two that I see. One is getting longer for sure, and I see another one coming. She is a Barney's Farm "Pineapple Chunk". There is also tiny ball looking things growing in between the pistols also, I snapped a pic try to zoom in on your phone or something. The pistols by them look so fuzzy and white at the bottoms, and is starting to smell really good in those places. Idk if i should switch to 12/12 to maybe help it hurry up? I want her to flowe soooo fucking bad hahah! tell me whatcha think brotha!!! thanks man!

-Swamp Dank


Well-Known Member
it seems to be flowering to me if you have a couple it an auto flower? i would say no to switching to 12/12 if it is an auto.


Well-Known Member
well, maybe, i just figured, they should flower when they are ready, in which it just started right? Thats the only reason id say no, but i mean, some autos have been known to need to go under 12/12 because it didnt have strong enough auto genes or something like that... im not too sure man.. maybe hit up some auto flower threads...
Yeah it is an auto, you don't think switchIng it would help it flower??
I think it would help man, Im only doing my first grow of this stuff, but when I had a photo per. plant mixed with my two autos (before it hermied) I lowered it to 12/12 around 3-4 weeks in? but I also havent been feeding them anyyything cept water and lemon juice. ive got a 400w so that might have something to do with it, but yeah Ive got a good quarter shown up already! id give it a 14/6 try for a lil an then switch it back maybe if you dont want to go all the way 12/12, but you def. can switch it back to 18/6. I did that and my plants didnt have any noticable problems


Well-Known Member
I think it would help man, Im only doing my first grow of this stuff, but when I had a photo per. plant mixed with my two autos (before it hermied) I lowered it to 12/12 around 3-4 weeks in? but I also havent been feeding them anyyything cept water and lemon juice. ive got a 400w so that might have something to do with it, but yeah Ive got a good quarter shown up already! id give it a 14/6 try for a lil an then switch it back maybe if you dont want to go all the way 12/12, but you def. can switch it back to 18/6. I did that and my plants didnt have any noticable problems
good advice, ill keep that in mind in case my autos dont flower like theyre supposed to.


Active Member
I think it would help man, Im only doing my first grow of this stuff, but when I had a photo per. plant mixed with my two autos (before it hermied) I lowered it to 12/12 around 3-4 weeks in? but I also havent been feeding them anyyything cept water and lemon juice. ive got a 400w so that might have something to do with it, but yeah Ive got a good quarter shown up already! id give it a 14/6 try for a lil an then switch it back maybe if you dont want to go all the way 12/12, but you def. can switch it back to 18/6. I did that and my plants didnt have any noticable problems

Thanks for the advice bro! She has been on 12/12 for three days now. I took a couple pics of all the colas to see what yall think, is she showing good signs of flowering? All of the new flowers look great and also there are a few single pistols it looks like, what is this? Don't mind the slightly burned leaves, I pruned her today, and didnt want her to be totally naked lol but is she too naked??! Please tell me what yall think, any advice would be GREAT!

-Swamp Dank



Active Member
I hope she still has a chance, I'm so ready to start round two, so of she doesn't flower sadly I guess I'll
Chop her down and start over :(


Well-Known Member
Hmm i think i can see a couple hairs in pic one, and only pic one..maybe its not tho..your hairs will come out of the center of your pod looking things where your new leaf shoots come out of.. give it a few more days, if you see no changes, i dont know what the fuck would be going on...really weird bro, give her a 3rd chance for at least 4 more days I would say... hope this sounds reasonable.. peace buddy and good luck..


Active Member
I'm gonna keep on with the 12/12. But I have noticed that all the colas at the top where the new leaves come in are getting super white. And she's starting to smell suuuuupper dank. !!


Active Member
Haha yeah it is. It's actually my first actual real grow with good seeds. Hahahaha yeah I'm a total noob but I'm not doing terrible I suppose! I sure hope so buddy, all the new leaves coming in on the stems look great!


Active Member
Oh yeah, my temps haven't gotten over 75 in a while, so i dropped my light to about a foot or so, gonna see if that helps/doesn't burn her.


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah it is. It's actually my first actual real grow with good seeds. Hahahaha yeah I'm a total noob but I'm not doing terrible I suppose! I sure hope so buddy, all the new leaves coming in on the stems look great!
i'm doing my first grow with "propper" seeds aswell .... i have made a few mistakes (too much nutes, fluctuating temps, powerouts ect) but on the whole this grow is going much better then my last bag seed grow ... much better! .. i think its about learning as you go along and finding ways to improve on the mistakes... for example, i have 2 more GOM seedlings in there second week now, they won't get nutes until they ask for them instead of me giving them when i think they need it... and hopefully the power wont fail again in the next 7 weeks LOL