First Grow- Aurora Indica


Active Member
I have grown AI several times using almost the exact same technique you are using, and have had great results. I harvest at 60% amber and that seems to be perfect. I love growing AI because of the incredible potency yet low odor while growing. My house never smelled of weed. I have a batch of random seeds going right now and my house reeks. Good luck with your grow.


Active Member
Flower Day 2

Just set to 12/12 and changed my lights to the 5 125w 2700ks. My screen is filling nicely, I'm not sure if I should continue to pull them through the screen, the stems are very firm and I am afraid to break a stem by pulling it through. I flushed last week and have started my Fox Farms flower nutes at 1/2 strength. So far I have around 40-50 nice branches through the screen, they are all around the same height. Should I continue to pull them through ? I would like to fill my screen, but the stalks are not very easy to bend . Winter will be here soon, we have had temp down to the 20's alrerady.My garden temps range from 65 to 85 with 50% humidity.



Well-Known Member
I have no idea if this is a solution to ur problem, but what if you top the branches that are growing too high instead of bending them through the screen and risking breaking the branch. Then give it a couple days and the node where u clipped will shoot out 2 branches, take these and continue bending them under the screen until filled. They'll be thinner and therefore easier to bend into place. Never done a standard SCROG so don't know if what i suggested will work but the idea works in my head... I'm also sure you're meant to do some sort of training through the first week or 2 of 12/12 to help manage the stretch, not 100% sure though so look into it.

Looks damn gd so far well played

Jug Stomper

Well-Known Member
Those are lookin' so good man!!!! Wish I could do a scrog but I only ahave about 13 weeks to finish a batch after my seeds get here. Just ordered some Afghan Kush but now am wishing I ordered that AI after seeing ladies! What is the AI? It seems like I saw somewhere that its NL crossed with something.


Active Member
Flower Day 7

All 3 showed pistils within 5 days of the 12/12.....WOW , very cool!!! I have adjusted my scrog and now my canopy is fairly even. I'm happy with it. The screen is about 75% filled.I think that is good for Aurora Indica because it is a very short and dense plant. I was thinking of trying the Northern Lights X Big Bud cross next. I know that Big Bud produces a large center cola, so would that mean that is would not be a good SCROG choice? I need mellow, high CBD strains to help my neuromuscular disease symptoms.Also, do you need to cure the bud if you do not plan to smoke it? I was thinking the answer is yes, but I thought I would ask.

Sorry for the bad pics, I decided not to rise my lights for the photo, they seemed very happy this morning.



Active Member
Those are lookin' so good man!!!! Wish I could do a scrog but I only ahave about 13 weeks to finish a batch after my seeds get here. Just ordered some Afghan Kush but now am wishing I ordered that AI after seeing ladies! What is the AI? It seems like I saw somewhere that its NL crossed with something.
I got the seeds from Nirvanna, This is the description.

Nirvana Aurora Indica is an F1 hybrid of Afghan and Northern Light. Its plants stay short, producing heavy colas and dense buds. This marijuana strain produces exceptional amounts of resin, resulting in a deep, near-black hash with a tasty aroma and a heavy buzz. This probably is Nirvana's most potent Indica seeds strain.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good Jessy, from my understanding of things, when you cure bud, non-psychoactive chemicals turn psychoactive, chlorophyll breaks down which gets rid of that plant-y taste and yeh, a gd few things happen which is why curing makes such a big f'ing difference to the taste/smoke. Even if you were gona cook with the stuff i'd still cure before using it, just to get the most out of it. Obviously u'll still get high without curing but u wont be doing ur grow justice! The last batch of stuff i grew, the taste really started to come out in the bud after a good 2 month cure, and the highs only getting better nd better!


Active Member
Thanks for the reply, I thought that was the case. What about the Northern Lights and Big Bud cross under a SCROG, would it be a good choice? Anyone have any thoughts?


Active Member
NL x BB should perform comparably to the plants you have growing now, but I'm not sure how the potency of the final product compares. Be prepared for the cross to smell stronger and skunkier than Aurora, and to take at least 2 weeks longer flowering time.


Jessy, your grow looks fantastic!

Question about your CO2 generator, what stage were your plants at when you started it up?


Active Member
Jessy, your grow looks fantastic!

Question about your CO2 generator, what stage were your plants at when you started it up?
I started the CO2 about 2 weeks after they popped through the soil. I replace the the solution every week. It is very cheap and works very well.


Active Member
Day 10 of Flower

Less than 2 weeks since I changed to 12/12 and i have flowers popping up all over. They are stretching a lot, but my canopy still seems OK. With the great progress so far, I cant wait to see them 2 months from now!



Active Member

This is my DIY CO2 generator. Water, sugar & yeast. I change it out every week. The little bottle prevents back flow, filters the CO2 and lets me know if the gas is flowing. The tube is attached to my fan. I do not have enough experience to tell if this helps, but is is not hurting anything.
(I Hope)



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Wow that CO2 setup is so clever! I never thought of using yeast! I have about a pound of SAF yeast that I was just going to throw out and now I know what I will use it for.

I am just getting setup to grow for my very first time and I just received my 5 feminised AI seeds from Nirvana and I can't wait to see how everything turns out for you.

Thank you for sharing,