First grow any advice??? \o/



so these are some pics of my bigger plant that i fim'd and im noticing a ton of clawing.. i dont notice any nute burn but have some concerns it may be a salt buildup. is there an easy way to check for this an accurate way? I watered with nutes last night hoping it was a deficiencey then buildup . i have given her 2x feeding (with just a ph water between the two)of 2ml koolbloom, 5ml of floranova bloom and about .5g hydro boost (p-k booster). idk i see no really signs of nute burn ( i have burn my leaves a bit from lights touching :\ but no real signs of nute burn ive noticed. ANY ADVICE WOULD BE APPRECIATED!


well i ended up flushing about 4 gals through them and then hit them with a organic tea about 3 days ago. they are looking a bit better not so dark green anymore. some clawing in the leaves that had it real bad but i dont think it will fix. otherwise the older gal is popin out bud sites and forming buds and the other is just begining to do its thing.


so watered younger larger plant tonight. just got a ppm meter this morning so tonight actually adjusted everything. Nutes with water before watering was testing at 925 ppm (tap that sat all day was around 118 runoff was at 1k exact. so i think i shot for the right mark. any advice when using ppm meter or numbers to aim for?


ok so i have 2 female plants growing. you can read most of the stuff about my grow in my journal .

my question is i just recently about a week ago picked up a hid light. it is a 300,400,600,660w changeable ballast and im not quite sure what my bulb is .

i started with the lights about 12" above the plants at 660w (yes im a new they were using just cfs before this) but about an hour into the light running my temps were near 100f. so i dropped it down to 400w for the first couple days to let them adjust without shocking them. 12" was too close so i moved them to about 18". then i noticed some leaf tips burning and almost looks like some of my pistils started turning brown.

so tonight i lifted the light to about 24" above the canopy and am gonna see if that helps my heat issue but is that too far if im running 600 or 660w? and when should start raising the watage?

have some pics

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so the first and last is the height my hid is atm about 24" and some random pics of how my flowers are starting to look and bud formations.

I am posting here because im not sure of the best heights for my hid and any other advice that could be given. so if you cant find something here just check my journal that has just about everyting up to date. Thank you in advance for any and all help .



couple quick notes. i have a dual arc bulb. im currently running it at 600w. have a nice hood waiting on glass for but still undecided if i need or want to do it yet(kinda really high above plants atm. just watered my older plant tonight with just mollasses and a lil epsom salt and phd water. had about 400 ppm going into the plant. now runoff was 1k ppm so i had a shit ton of nutes still in the soil right?