First grow and homemade hydro


Hay everybody,

I'm new here and this is my first thread, hydro system, and grow. Everything going great. I got a white rhino clone on about 5-24. was small about 7 inches tall, made my own hydro system and poof. I have a small bush! I'm using Flora Nova and Green Fuse growth stim.

I want to put up some pics but can't figure out. Can any body help? I was in a horrible accident on 6-27-08 and got a brain injury. Some things are just a bit hard for me.

Not my plant though!!!!

Thanks a bunch!


Hay everybody,

I'm new here and this is my first thread, hydro system, and grow. Everything going great. I got a white rhino clone on about 5-24. was small about 7 inches tall, made my own hydro system and poof. I have a small bush! I'm using Flora Nova and Green Fuse growth stim.

I want to put up some pics but can't figure out. Can any body help? I was in a horrible accident on 6-27-08 and got a brain injury. Some things are just a bit hard for me.

Not my plant though!!!!

Thanks a bunch!
here r some pics



New Member
Lookin good post some pics on how u made ur setup if ya got time keep up the good work sorry to hear about ur accident hope thois magic herb helps u through the pain


The herb helps a lot. so does the growing.

I got my licens bout a month ago. It opened up a hole new world! Still costly but Quality killer!!

I'm running with regular CFL's for now and still on a grow cycle for now.

BUGS! got to get em under control.


I'm using einstine oil (neem) at the moment. I don't think that my wife would like a bunch of ladybugs in our small apartment. Thx 4 advice on em!