First grow / am I doing anything wrong?


Active Member
I recently bought two clones to try growing (one is hindu skunk, the other is green kush). So far I've had them for maybe 3 or 4 days? I'm not sure how old they are but they are about 6 inches tall.

My set-up is basically just a cardboard box in my closet. I painted the inside white and left the top open. On the top I hung one light with a reflector and on the side I put one intake fan. Im probably going to upgrade to an intake and exhaust fan sometime soon. I'm using Scotts premium potting soil and watering the plants once every two days. My lights are on a 18/6

My questions right now are:
1) Should I be watering more/less often? I read somewhere that once every two days is good for a young plant and the soil seems pretty moist most of the time.
2) is 18/6 good?
3) I'm using 65 watt CFL bulb that outputs 4200 lumens. Is that too much for only two plants? Also how close should i keep it? I had it like half a foot away but noticed that the tips of some of the leaves were getting yellow so I raised it to like a foot and a half above the plants.

Thanks for the help! :blsmoke:


Active Member
18/6 is good.
watering should be done when the top half-inch or inch of soil becomes dry.
CFL's can be placed 1-2 inches from the top depending on the heat output.
wats the temp in ur grow box with the lights on?
a good rule of thumb is to put your hand under the light, and if its too hot for ur hand, its too hot for the plants.


Active Member
The temps don't seem too much hotter than room temperature. I don't have a thermometer or anything but I can't really feel any difference with my hand under the light. What else can be causing some of the leaves to get yellow tips? Is that natural or can that be something like over-watering? I'll try to post pictures up later


Active Member
I havn't been giving them any nutes or anything but I believe the potting mix has some... Here are some pictures, you can't see the yellow spots too well so they are probably not too important. One of the plants has two really fucked up leaves, that's from me accidentally dropping a light on them. Its been getting better so I don't think thats a big issue either.



Well-Known Member

1. get your lights closer yellow tips could be not enough light
2. 65w is not enough for veg & flower for one plant let alone 2. I would say you need 200w of CFL for 2 plants minimum.
3. Carboard not good. You be surprised when you put more light in there how hot it gets and you dont want to burn down your place!


Well-Known Member
i suggest mounting your cfl with the side facing the top of your plant. more light output imo.


Well-Known Member
You want 4 of them in 6400k for veg and 4of them in 2700k for flower. That's how many you need for EACH plant. That's if you want a decent yield.