first grow ak48

What's up guys

This is my first grow, I had a thread started but lost everything when the site got hacked and i'm finally getting around to starting a new one haha

I've got two ak48 about two weeks old in a section of my closet, I ran into some major problems but now I think I've solved most of them. I started them in Mg organic mix (not the best I know but it was all that was available). I had them in some small pots and everything was fine for the first week then they stopped growing and started losing their color. After testing the ph of my water I found out it was almost 8. I got the ph under control now and I switched them into some bigger pots with ffof. I've got them under a 400w mh for veg and I have an hps for flower. When I transplanted I noticed that the roots were all the way to the bottom of the pots and were getting cramped. Both pants are stunted, one more severely than the other. I've got the room stable at 76° and the humidity at 30% until I can get a humidifier.

I also started four bagseeds that I plan on growing outside. I'm in the north midwest us so I'll probably put them outside in a few weeks.

If you guys have any pointers to make my grow successful they would be greatly appreciated. I'll try to post some pics soon but for now this is all I have. thanks for any advice in advance and happy growing to all :weed:
I decided to top four of my six plants, one ak48 three of the bagseeds. I topped the ak48 to have two tops and the others to have four. So far everything is looking great but it seems like the three that I topped at the second node seem to only be growing two tops so far. I uploaded more pics so check them out at my photobucket, the link is a couple posts up. Let me know what you guys think

I also started nutes with my last watering and the plants have just exploded. They're bushy as hell and they're getting a dank smell to them. Can't wait to toke it up :)
Two of my bagseeds turned male so I took those out. I'm thinking about planting them outside to use for cannabutter. the four females i'm left with are doing great. The ak48s are growing crazy fast and the two bagseeds are trying to keep up. I uploaded more pics to my photobucket so check them oit