First grow AF White Dwarf =)


Active Member
I'll sub along. I always wanted to grow that Himalayan Blue diesel. Get that one in the ground! lol. Good Luck and welcome to RIU.


Active Member
She looks nice. How long you plan on leaving her in that container? Its kind of shallow and transplanting from that to something normal would be a bitch if you let the roots get too over grown in there.


Active Member
i just moved her over to a gallon container for now that little fucker was only half a gallon and the roots weren't that bad at all, shes actually doing very well since the transplant, sorry for the edited comments above i was way to baked and idk what that led me to ill post pics of her here in a sec, hopefully ill get more viewers sub'd in here for a little inspiration =)

Here are some pics of her!


Active Member
Here are some new pics of the baby shes doing so well besides the little cfl burn i have on one of the leaves other than that shes bushy and short as PHUCK, enjoy the Autoflower White Dwarf =)


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its starting to stink up my room now, its crazy how much can happen in a day with these amazing plants, wish all you could smell her! will post pics soon, hopefully her pistils will be coming forth within the week. fingers crossed!


Active Member
Looking good. I noticed that white dwarf tends to have nice side branching. I see some healthy leaves poking out on the side. Why not try and lst the top a bit to let some light on them and so you don't end up with only one big cola. Is this buddha seeds white dwarf? If so check out this... look at the pics. Looks nice but with just a little more control over the main cola he could of increased the side buds size.


Active Member
yeah there budda seeds fa sho my brotha and shes already pushing out her pistils so its a fem for sure! and yeah you cant see in the pic but she kinda lst'd herself on the very bottom of the stem(i think this happened when i transfered it to a bigger pot), it kinda makes an L shape, and when she gets just a little bigger ill start lst'ing her so no worries there my friend, shes at about day 18 from sprouting (could be wrong) and im using HF soil with the foxfarm trio solubles, ill post more pics and possibly bring out the high powered cam so i can show you her white pistils shooting out, as this for my first grow im pretty stoked at the moment so stay tuned!


Active Member
True well still you might want to start lsting a bit sooner. If she gets in full swing flowering and you bend her too much she'll get stretchy and flowering can be delayed a bit. Found this out the hard way by lsting one 12/12 from clone and not the other until it was too late. Added at least a week to it finishing and yielded slightly less.


Active Member
yeah man ill post some pics for ya, i completely made my setup from a computer tower only because i live with my parents which they dont care to much they just dont want it to look obvious, i do live in my basement which is like a dungeon so the cool temps keep it nice and perfect for the plant, i rigged 1 125w 5600k bulb and a 150w 2600k bulb, now i switched them both to the 150w 2600k bulb since shes entering her early stages of flowering, i also have 2 out-take fans and i rigged a fan to the bulb so the plant always has airflow going through her, i also have a temp gauge i bought for 3$ at the local water true value, they seemed to have everything i needed, soil (Happy Frog soil and the foxfarm trio solubles) lights and temp gauge, but the fans are computer fans you can get at your local bestbuy for about 7$ a pop which isnt too bad considering i only spent about 30-40$ on my setup, i did have to rig the fans to a cellphone charger and if you do, do this be careful and read the input output on the charger and the fan or else your fan will blow and you'll have to get a new one if theres to much power flowing to the computer fan.

Also i have a question for anyone will to give me some input, one of the lower bottom fan leaves is losing a slight bit of color, ive been watering every other day and adding big bloom to the every other other day, and grow big only one time a week, any input would help me greatly, thank you! i will also post a pic of it to give you a better idea on what im talking about.


Active Member
alright man thanks for the info ill start lsting her tomorrow so she'll be able to get more light to the little bottom girls!


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here are some pics of my setup, the first pic is an outtake fan with a home-made light fliter to reduce noticeable lighting poking out and others just to give you an idea of what i made.
Now here are some pics of what im talking about with the bottom fan leave losing a little color, i put 2 pics up to show you the color difference.
Now here are some pics of Lucy, i finally gave her a name =)
No pics of her pistils yet because i cant find my other high powered lens =(


Active Member
It not that big of a deal. It could just be from touching the soil. But if it is a def looks like an early N lock out. BUT.... I wouldn't be watering every other day. The proper technique is to water good until its completely saturated and then wait until its almost completely dry. For me its about a week with a small plant. Stop feeding her so much. She looks a very dark green which means she has enough nutes. The slight N def. could be from her having too much bloom nutes. The over watering is evident in the fact the plants not getting any wider. A healthy plant will grow drastically bigger fan leaves each node. So imho you should stop watering every other day and just feed plain water for a couple weeks. until you notice the new growth having a lime green tint to it. Take note of how light your pot is when you let it dry out completely and only water if it is close to as light as it is when completely dry.