First Grow - AF Critical, Indoor grow.

Hi from Gothenberg!
I am a beginner grower who is growing one plant for myself to smoke.
I have made from the seed 'Critical' which is Autoflowering, this plant. It has been about 1.5 months alive.
I have used 12/12 lighting since day 1.
Fed tap water, added Nitrogen when there was a problem with yellow leaves.
The leaves are now going Yellow but I am told this is because the plant is in later stage of flowering.
My question is, I have looked up when to harvest, and I understand when I need to, but the buds lower down on the plant are maturing much faster - they have mostly orange 'hairs' but the higher buds have all white hairs. Should I wait until the whole plant is ready to be harvested?



Active Member
Id say in your situation, since its a small personal grow, just take off the lower buds that are ready, and let the cola go till its ready.... you will gain more weight, and have a little bit to hold you over while it finishes...


Well-Known Member
looks good, developing nicely, yer almost there, and yes you can harvest parts of the plant that are ready to go and leave the rest to mature :)


Well-Known Member
I think Im growing this strain too! Im using a 20/4 light cycle under 175watts of CFLs, mines only 2 weeks old though.

Is it 'Feminised seeds' Critical' autoflower?

Let me know how it goes and what sort of yield you get:)

Heres a picture of my packet to see if we got the same

Yes that's the same seeds! The flowers smell strongly of mango and pineapple, i found out that critical is a mixture of critical mass and White dwarf. But I have no idea what that means!


Well-Known Member
Yes that's the same seeds! The flowers smell strongly of mango and pineapple, i found out that critical is a mixture of critical mass and White dwarf. But I have no idea what that means!
Awesome! we'll have to compare results! I've not seen anyone else grow this strain.

What fertilisers have you used?

Harvest the lower buds when they're ripe and let me know how it smokes, im excited to find out!

If its 6 weeks old already the entire plant should be ready in another 2 weeks, the seed bank claims seed to harvest time is 8-9 weeks! Heres the most info I can find on it
I think it might actually be closer to 8 weeks in. I'll look up and see what soil I used but it's been a very basic grow, I have just kind of let it live its life and it seems to have done ok. I quick-dried and smoked a little of the bud yesterday and it tastes strongly of tropical fruit, with a light happy buzz - it made me alert and giggly rather than tired and lazy which is great : ) I will report back with more photos soon.
- D.S.
Yes! Today I decided to harvest one of the plants - It's probably a little early in the harvest window but it's certainly ready. here's a pic of the harvest from one plant.

I have hung these in the cupboard to dry out and will try it when its dry and let you know how it smokes : )