First Grow. Aeroponics. 400w HPS. LemonSkunk. Pics.

hello RIU have been reading up around this site now for a while now looking at how u pros do it,and thought it was about time to try myself. This is my first grow so i am a noob but have put in the research from you guys previous grow journals and from many videos. fingers crossed.

The seeds i am going to be using are greenhouse Lemon skunk feminsed

items used:

2x 4ft cool white flourencents for vegging
1x 400w HPS for flowing
1x 400w dual spectrum glorux bulb
1x 50l bag of canna terra profesional soil mix
1x medium propagator
1x bag of hydroton clay pebbles
1x tray of small seed rockwool cubes
1x DIY aeroponic system
1x digital thermostat
2x digital timers

My flourecents are coming tommorow so i will update you guys with pics and info on them then. from what ive read my hps like is a good light to start with for flowering and would be suitable for 4-6 mature plants. glorux bulb and good? came with it.

I am going to try to grow in both canna terra professional and use aeroponics to see myself the differnce in outcome. my plan was to first learn to grow in canna and take cuttings when big enough to transplant in diy system, can anyone say if this would be a good idea or not a safe bet please?

Nutes: the nutes i have got are canna terra and canna vega, will probaly buy some other nutrient additives like canna riztonic or pk13/14 if anyone can recomend the best ones out of the canna range.

DIY Aeroponics: dont laugh too much at my system.. very DIY, i managed to pick up this very colourful box at the hardware store and choose it because it was hard plastic and easy to drill my net cup holes out and also so i could take the lid up. the pump used is a 950 gph water pump, the tubing is 1/2 inch and theres about 10 45degree sprayers and 5 misters randomly put on as i kept getting dead spots. tested it for a few hours no dead spots and no leaks.. yet. whoo thats a result so far. any comments or info on how you think i could improve my system would be appreciated.


lol ^_^ sorry for some bad pics btw. ooh yeh if anyone could give me some help with my watering cycle for this system would be great espesially for starting clones off. the nutes im going to have to ask at my hydro store but some sort of aqua range would be best for the pump :D

my setup is not done yet i have a large cuboard i am going to transform in the next few days. the top part is going to be whre the floros and progator will be and the bottom the flowring chamber. should i use mylar lining or stick with the mat white?

this is going to have to do untill i get enough to buy a large budbox, carbon filter and rvkfan kit, prime air controller but they are definitly on the list of things to buy.

Day 1 . Germinating the seeds using paper towel method and will be updating you on progress in 4-5 days once ive planted them. in the mean time i will try to update on grow room

fingers crossed. and comments on how i can improw my grow area or any tips or advise is welcome and definitly needed .

thanks for smoking along with me bongsmilie
so its been a week now and progress has been made! :D

this is my vegging room with 2 x phillips t9 75watt bulbs. 8ft tubes. theres is also a small fan in the corner of the room and homemade light reflector to be finished behind them.

7 days since planting heres the close up veg porn.

are my babies look like there stretching for the light or are they ok?

my temps stay at 26 degrees/ 78 f .. , as i said its been a week now and im only using tap water, would it be time to start the nutes off?

any comments would be appriciated. thanks
2 days ago i started using the nutes 10ml to 2 litres. can see most of the plants are liking the feed cycle. getting bigger!