You can keep it vegging pretty much indefinitely. It will get bushy, and if it's healthy, it will do so more sooner than later. You can do some pruning to make more nodes where buds could possibly form, and to keep the size manageable.
If you want to try cloning, you could keep it in veg, take a cutting, clone the cutting, and stick the clone in flower (12/12), and you'll be able to tell if it's a male or female.
If it's a female, you can take more clones and have a mother that you keep in veg for more clones.
If it's a male, well... I'd personally get it the hell out of my garden as soon as possible, to make sure it doesn't drop any pollen in my room to possibly impregnate a future female, and I'd rid myself of the father, too, unless I was planning to breed down the road.
If you prune it during veg, and you "lollypop" it (cut off the bottom 1/3rd of branches at the beginning of flower), and the rest of everything goes well, and it's a female, you'll hopefully be looking forward to some nice chronic. There're a lot of if's, what-do-I-do's, and guesswork as you're starting out. Read the grow faq here, I'm new here and there's a vast amount of knowledge in it, even though I've got some experience. Best of luck to ya