First Grow - A Seed and A Dream


Active Member
I had one seed and germinated it last Friday. It was ready on Monday (4/27) so I planted it in soil. It sprouted and as of yesterday AND this morning (4/30) it looks like this. I am concerned cause it has not shown any growth since it poped its leaves out of the soil on Wed morning. It has been over 24 hours. The initial fan leaves are there but are not coming out.

Am I doing something wrong??

I have 4, 26W 6500K CFL's on it. 18/6

I am tying not to overwater it, and don't think I have.

Am I just being too anxious.

I am using Miracle Grow seed starter as my soil. Got it at home depot.

This is my ONLY seed so I am watching it's every move.

Help me turn this into a healthy, and hopefully a female plant.

I've read lots of great advice on here so hoping you can help me out.

I am going to update this as the seedling grows.

Thanks in advance for your comments.



Well-Known Member
Idk that much about growing i just started myself like 3 weeks ago and i planted 4 seeds and 2 popped out of the soil quick but the other 2 took longer and 1 of them looked like how yours is right now for a little longer then the others but it started to grow so maybe it s just a slow grower. But idk it might be best to listen to one of the others im a beginner myself.


Well-Known Member
I had one seed and germinated it last Friday. It was ready on Monday (4/27) so I planted it in soil. It sprouted and as of yesterday AND this morning (4/30) it looks like this. I am concerned cause it has not shown any growth since it poped its leaves out of the soil on Wed morning. It has been over 24 hours. The initial fan leaves are there but are not coming out.

Am I doing something wrong??

I have 4, 26W 6500K CFL's on it. 18/6

I am tying not to overwater it, and don't think I have.

Am I just being too anxious.

I am using Miracle Grow seed starter as my soil. Got it at home depot.

This is my ONLY seed so I am watching it's every move.

Help me turn this into a healthy, and hopefully a female plant.

I've read lots of great advice on here so hoping you can help me out.

I am going to update this as the seedling grows.

Thanks in advance for your comments.
Welcome to RIU flogger. Your seedling looks fine. There is nothing you can do to turn this baby into a female, though you can hedge the bet if you used a feminized seed, otherwise you have a 50/50 shot. Miracle grow is fine, take a look at my recent grow which was Miracle Gro. MG is heavy soil so I hope you amended it with Perlite, or you will have drainage issues. Also, if you overwater you will KILL your plant because MG releases fertilizer on every watering. As a seedling you can give it 1 Tablespoon of water on the stem to keep it moist but once it develops fan leaves, only water when needed (once every 3-6 days).
Welcome to RIU flogger. Your seedling looks fine. There is nothing you can do to turn this baby into a female, though you can hedge the bet if you used a feminized seed, otherwise you have a 50/50 shot. Miracle grow is fine, take a look at my recent grow which was Miracle Gro. MG is heavy soil so I hope you amended it with Perlite, or you will have drainage issues. Also, if you overwater you will KILL your plant because MG releases fertilizer on every watering. As a seedling you can give it 1 Tablespoon of water on the stem to keep it moist but once it develops fan leaves, only water when needed (once every 3-6 days).

yea everything is fine that you're doing just make sure not to overwater your seedling just water once a day


Well-Known Member
your doing great! I use a spray bottle on my seedlings and my clones also. since your soil already has nukes, don't add any for awhile. Your right on your growth line, good job.


Active Member
See you didnt really need help all along you was doing fine :).
Thanks for all your comments so far. The seedling was looking good this morning (5/1). The fan leaves have grown perhaps an 1/8 of an inch since this time yesterday morining. Although the fan leaves look almost like a bright green or florescent green. It is getting too much of a certain nute? The soil I am using (MG Seedling Starter) has nutes already in it (not my preference)and am wondering if that is messing with my seedling.

I do have a question. Right now I have the lights on 18/6. But at this point since this is growing so slow, can I just leave them on all the time (24/0)? Or is there some growth that goes on when it is dark which is why you do 18/6.

I had two seeds, and lost one cause I tried using non pre-soaked rockwool :wall:. Trying a hydro approach. That what happens when you don't do enough research. I'm such an idiot.

SO all I have is this one. Watch this one turn to be a male.

Thanks all for your continued comments/feedback.


Active Member
Well I looked at my seedling this morning and it looked like it has not grown since this same time yesterday.
The first pict was of it on Monday morning and the second this morning (Sat 5/2).

I am using MG Seedling Starter. Why is this not gorwing. I have 3, 26w 6500K CFL's on it.

Is the soil packed too hard to where the roots can go anywhere? Is that possible.

The first set of fan leaves have not grown.

This is my last seed. Please help.




It takes a while to grow out...when you dont notice growth on the top and you are taking care of it correctly its probably shooting roots out everywhere...then it will take up a whole lot of water and nutes and do a burst of green.

The best advice i can give is: "You dont grow the plants, the plants grow themselves. You can pour water on it every half an hour, but the plant wont drink it...It will just drown. You can pack it full of nutes, but it wont grow...It will go into shock and not grow for a few days."

Really let the soil dry out. If the plant has water all over its roots it wont push out roots to find more. You want it to think its dry so it tries to search for water with its roots...then when you water it again it will try to make the most of the water while its there. So on and so forth..

Im no expert, just made the mistake of getting all excited and watering my plant 2 - 3 times a day. I now have like a 20 day old plant thats probably 8 days into growth due to shock the rest of the time.. Its all good now that im not watering or nuting as much.

I have a 50% soil 50% perlite mix, and im only needing to water every few days..with mg soil and no perlite you probably wont need to water for literally 3 - 5 days or so.

anyways man, im subscribed now and gave you +rep for your grow...Id say dont water that thing for at least 2 days. It will droop when its ready to be watered...drooping means the plants using water from the leaves to grow roots. This is a good thing.

Awesome dude.


Active Member
Thanks Prot3us1 for your feedback !!! Very helpfull. I had this seedling at an "undisclosed location" this week. But on Friday I took it to my place to keep a close eye on it. I know, my post sounds like I am freaking out. My previous seedling, which is the same strain as this one, was germinated and then placed in non pre-soaked rockwool and placed in a hydroponic system. My PH kept going up and eventually the seedling suffered. My stupidity for not doing enough research. I am a noob at this and have no business trying hydro at this point. So I thought I'd go the soil route since I have had success in the past.

So I am watching this thing like every few hours and it seems to be hanging in there. Hopefully this will turn out to be a female, I can clone it and multiply it.

I get some great info from this site. Thanks to all who share their knowledge and experience.


Thanks Prot3us1 for your feedback !!! Very helpfull. I had this seedling at an "undisclosed location" this week. But on Friday I took it to my place to keep a close eye on it. I know, my post sounds like I am freaking out. My previous seedling, which is the same strain as this one, was germinated and then placed in non pre-soaked rockwool and placed in a hydroponic system. My PH kept going up and eventually the seedling suffered. My stupidity for not doing enough research. I am a noob at this and have no business trying hydro at this point. So I thought I'd go the soil route since I have had success in the past.

So I am watching this thing like every few hours and it seems to be hanging in there. Hopefully this will turn out to be a female, I can clone it and multiply it.

I get some great info from this site. Thanks to all who share their knowledge and experience.
I think you are fine trying hydro, as long as you have at least ph adjusting solutions, a ph pen and a decent ppm/ec meter. Hydro is great for continual growing, once you have a stable mother and a setup that you have perfected it runs itself basically you just follow your "recipe" of nutes and light hours etc and you are set.

I chose soil for now also..same reason as yourself...Ive had plenty of sccess growing things in soil and no experience with hydro. So i will hopefully st up one dwc bucket in my room once i hve some clones rooted. This way i can grow most in soil and know what m doing, and fumble around with the one bucket and make all my mistakes with it. Myharvest will still be fine as i have th soil plants too.

Overall to be honest I check my babies a lot too lol. Sometimes ive thought about chucking a remote webcam in with thm so i can see them anytime and dont look too strange walking in and out of where they are all the time lol.

At the end of the day, it IS a weed..and just like other weeds once its got its roots settled somewhere you will have a fairly hardtime killing it. Mine went through so much crap from day 1 lol...first overheating then overnuting when it was like 3 days old, then the pot fell over and the plant got crushed, then i transplanted it to a new pot..and for a few days i was worried, but its fine now.

Sorry forwriting a novel here haha, im rambling..i blame the :joint:


Active Member
I think you are fine trying hydro, as long as you have at least ph adjusting solutions, a ph pen and a decent ppm/ec meter. Hydro is great for continual growing, once you have a stable mother and a setup that you have perfected it runs itself basically you just follow your "recipe" of nutes and light hours etc and you are set.

I chose soil for now also..same reason as yourself...Ive had plenty of sccess growing things in soil and no experience with hydro. So i will hopefully st up one dwc bucket in my room once i hve some clones rooted. This way i can grow most in soil and know what m doing, and fumble around with the one bucket and make all my mistakes with it. Myharvest will still be fine as i have th soil plants too.

Overall to be honest I check my babies a lot too lol. Sometimes ive thought about chucking a remote webcam in with thm so i can see them anytime and dont look too strange walking in and out of where they are all the time lol.

At the end of the day, it IS a weed..and just like other weeds once its got its roots settled somewhere you will have a fairly hardtime killing it. Mine went through so much crap from day 1 lol...first overheating then overnuting when it was like 3 days old, then the pot fell over and the plant got crushed, then i transplanted it to a new pot..and for a few days i was worried, but its fine now.

Sorry forwriting a novel here haha, im rambling..i blame the :joint:
Well it has been a week since I wrote my first post on this grow. Being a noob I was real worried when my seedling wasn't doing anything. Thanks to the gang here at RIU, they told me to just chill MF'er, and that the seedling will grow. Well it has. Not much, but after a week the first fan leaves have grown and I see a tiny start to the second fan leaves.

So many thanks gang for telling me to chill. It is looking good so far. It is true, don't overwater. I let this thing go about 2 days and then I watered it. It was hard to resist watering. I guess I just expect it since it is weed it should grow fast like one. Well this one is taking it's time, but it is growing.

I plan on updating this post all the way to cloning, and eventually harvest. Assuming of course it ends up being female.

This is a pict after one week. Not too impressive but it is moving along. I'll update in about two weeks to show you how it is doing.

First pict is a week ago today, second is this morning.




Definitely some leaf action there!

Sweet, Ill check back tomorrow :D feel free to drop in to my grow again anytime. New pics of the triploid today! I would post here so you didnt have to go down my way but unless you say its cool i wont post pics here hehe.

On that note, feel free to bring your pics to my thread to show off man, i love seeing other peoples grows. :D



Active Member
Well I looked at my seedling tonight and I think I am seeing some nute burn. I am not sure what to look for except I do see brown spots forming on my two fan leaves. I am using MG Seedling Starter and I know it had nutes in it. I was warned about this from another post.

My question is. What do I need to do? I am afraid to transplant it since the roots are probably very fragile at this point.

It looked good this morning but tonight it shows some brown spots. You might be able to see it in the pict. My damn camera won't focus on the plant.

Please help me out here. What do you recommend I do?

Thanks for your advice.




ouch man, looks like nute burn. IF it was a liquid nute you gave it and you havent been overwatering flush the soil. Water with distilled water ph adjusted to your normal ph until you have cycled the water in the pot a few times...when i flushed my .5 litre pot i used 2 litres of water.

Once you have done that let as much of the water drain out as you want to get the soil dry asap.

If its slow release or MG stuff dont flush! flushing slow release stuff just releases more nutes..I guess if its slow release dont water until you HAVE to...let the plant suck as much as it can out of whats already in there then when the top layer is crumbly water. Id say with slow release nutes less water is better, whereas with liquid nutes you like a bit of runoff to clear out some of the salts.

It might be alright man, dont lose hope..just give it at least 2 weeks before ya nute again man.

I read through your diary as inspiration, 'cause I'm starting my first seeds tomorrow... you're scaring me! I hope your seedling pulls through.. *subscribed*


Active Member
Hey flogger man, hows it going!! waiting on news man.
Don't have an updated picture but I looked on the MG seedling starter bag last night and the NPK % on it were really low, so I don't think it is nute burn. I think it might be from heat stress since the temp around the plant was in the mid 90's. Another post said it might be heat stress too.

The initial fan leaves are about 60% brown with the second starting to grow. But I have not seen any good growth since yesterday morning. So maybe I shocked the thing.

I have a fan on it now and the new fan leaves which are barely showing look OK. The soil is not overwatered.

Just have to wait and see. I'll update with a pict next Monday.

This seedling is growing so so slow. Not much I can do about it, I guess.