First Grow - A.M.S. Feminised


Well-Known Member
Yes sir. She is great. All the side buds have been harvested and the colas will be chopped Friday or Saturday to make room for the Skunk clones. I will post some images of the harvest soon.

To be Continued...


Active Member
Thanks I thought you were gone, how'd you do with the tent and a 600? Just wondering cuz I'm bout to make the same setup only with a 1000 in the tent


Well-Known Member
I give you AMS. She smokes real sweet and smooth and creeps up on you. I can truly say that this is some of the best bud I have ever smoked. The plant I dubbed Cosmic Mystery Ryder (**see explanation below) is an instant high. The smoke tingles the sinuses and expands in the lungs as the smoke is exhaled. CMR has a very unique smell to her. It's too bad she didn't clone. The AMS smells sweet and pungent, she way exceeded my expectations.

More to follow. Lots to tell.

This images are of AMS.

** Cosmic Mystery Ryder is definitely a mystery. There were two batches of seeds from Dr. Chronic, Flumpys Lowdown Mystery Ryder and Cosmic Nights by Shiva Twister. Out of both sets, I got one seedling to grow and I thought it was Cosmic Nights, but I thought it was a tall growing plant and CMR was only about a foot tall. So, that the story of Cosmic Mystery Ryder.



i've got 4 ams fems goin right now, and they are exactly how yours first looked (yellowed dying leaves, and no growth) fed them and they are starting to look better. its a relief to see someone else had the same prob. at around the same time with them. good journal btw, read it all b/c the pictures made me..


Active Member
Thanks for the info!, how'd the yield end up?

I'm having such bad luck with cloning I think ima just order some more beans for my next go around, maybe trainwreck or cheese?


Well-Known Member
I am sprouting some AMS and was given this link by gogrow. Now I am super stoked. Great job. How do you think it would like being tied down as in lst or something? Did you top the plant or fim it or just let it be?


Well-Known Member
I just let them be. First grow and all, I didn't want to screw them up or anything. I have 3 more AMS clones right now and they look super fantastic. They clone real nice.

The Quality of the smoke is outstanding, truly some of the best herb I have ever had.

Star tuned for images of the clones...


Well-Known Member
Sweet Darkmatter!! grats on the sexy a.m.s . makes me happy to hear they clone easy! gl on the second grow d00d!


Active Member
Sweet Darkmatter!! grats on the sexy a.m.s . makes me happy to hear they clone easy! gl on the second grow d00d!
Braddah Oshen here.....

I just planted 6 ams outdoors in 5 gallon pots two days ago. Its pretty warm out today so I hope all works out. I got 14 more I will plant on tuesday. All female of course.

I am doing my completely guerilla style though; and if I have anything to report I will do so on this forum. If anyone else is doing an outdoor grow of AMS please contact me to compare results/what works, etc.

Its such a cheap feminized strain and seams like it smokes great and yeilds well too.

Thank you for this grow, you did a great job in detailing the growth in every cycle.

I am still very curious as to what the total yield of 3 AMS plants was, and what you think it would be outdoors or given that they were in better shape from birth.

Do you think I should get epsom salt right now to avoid a possible deficiency or illness with the plants?

Thanks a lot for posting this, very little is known about AMS as its kind of an experimental strain by greenhouse

much aloha,

braddah oshen


Well-Known Member
Hola braddah oshen,

If you would like some advice and some explanations for the things I did, please PM me as I will not post in these grow journals anymore. And yes, the AMS was such a sweet smoke. Some of the best I ever had.
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Well-Known Member
:) wow... thnx for this grow... i think you'r the only person with an ams grow journal on google.... thnx.... ^^ hahaaaaaaaa

i just order'd the church & ams ........... Got an e-mail from them this morning telling me they will send it as soon as payment arrives, and i pay'd it yesterday..... so i hope next week i will get them :)

I've clear'd my veg room out from them :)

Loved the pics... that is sick.. excactly what i want to grow... i love that weed ^^ great !


Active Member
hey your journal was good and well done on the weed but i have had a serius problem that i feel i must share i am growing 1 ams 2 bigbud and 1 purple power outdoor all plants are about 6ft four weeks into flower the ams has had to be harvested due to mould all the rest r perfect so i feel that there may be a genetics problem just my opinion and after 6 months of growing all i have to show for my well looked after amsis a bag of half grown bud with mould rot on most of um so be warned all

fat sam

Well-Known Member
it sort of looks like you have either a temp or humidity problem, see how the leaves edges are sticking up, they will do that when the humidity is to low/high heat or no circulation, even if your temp is good if you have no circulation you will have problems with heat build up, that could be why they are dropping like flys, seedlings like 60-70% humidity, any lower and the plant puts all its energy in to transpiring water instead of growing


Well-Known Member
1 out of 5 ams is growing great.. and i am so happy, the weed from this strain is great !!!!!!!!!


hey, i have one ams sprout i have had going for 4 days in soil. that is after the rootlet popped in paper towels. i dug it up today to see if it was growing but only still the little rootlet is there and not even completely emerged. Is there a reason why this is growing so slow. my medium is jiffy mix(organic)1/2 peatmoss 1/2 perlite. It is in sterile store bought plastic cups.Temps outside are falling but not to a degree that would probably affect the germ. process. my swag seeds and skunk haze are fine. White widow germed well to but some insect got in my room and ate the starting leaves, i am hoping that my dicots will still come out,and continue to grow like my kong did.