First Grow 8x23w CFL Autoflower Onyx/Him Blue diesel

First of sorry if this feels fragmented i have started my grow on the 8th of nov and just decided to put up my results so far and will keep this ongoing.

So this is my first grow, i have started with auto flower because they seem far less laborious.

I started by germin 3 onyx 2 came up 1 failed so a week later i germed another and currently have 3 going.
They seem to be going pretty well, one was looking kind of spindly and not filling out as much as the other so ive bent that over and hopefuly should see two tops forming on that one.

I have only been using the most comercial nutes, i have used MG for the first couple of weeks but just a very weak soloution because of how crammed full of Nitrogen it is. Now they look to be going in to flowering i have swtiched to tomorite which is 4 - 4.5 - 8.

My light cycle is 20/4 because i just dont like the idea of going 24/0

And today the day i start my journal i have just thrown in the first of my HBD that has surfaced from the peat pod. Hopefuly another one will follow.

Ok time for some pics, i have done a shot every day from week 2 of each plant

Sorry for some bad photo quality, It was my awful phone camera.

Thanks for for having a look here, any replys are welcome as im really new to this and helpful pointers will be great.


OK so ive hit week 6 on two of them another is a week younger.

They are all going pretty well apart from i think i gave to much Nitrogen my youngest one. It seems to be recovering though and is now probably the biggest plant. It has been planted in alot more soil though, so that makes sense.

The LST plant has taken to its new situation well i was gonna leave it only for a few days after i done it but with not seeing massive results straight away il keep it held down till i chop it now.

Finaly for the strongest plant of the lot, its the most developed plant and its just pissing out new growth everywhere i look. The nodes are so close and it so bushy im slightly worried about mould potential further through the grow. (il keep an eye)

time for some pics



Him blu Diesel 32 days
Onyx Week 9 - few days till chop
Onyx Week 9 - LST
Onyx week 8
2 Main tops and side cola top harvested from the LST plant because they matured faster. Now that canope has gone hopefuly the rest will mature together and more room in my grow space.
Little grow room shot