First Grow - (600w 6x-Multi-Strain)


Well-Known Member
Hey, everything looks great. Running your air through the carbon filter just yet isn't really needed.

those are the autos you got in there right? Have they begun showing sex?

Nice looking set up!


Hey, everything looks great. Running your air through the carbon filter just yet isn't really needed.

those are the autos you got in there right? Have they begun showing sex?

Nice looking set up!
yeah i noticed the 60 day and the cheese showin sex


​those are some nice short stocky plants lol.
6 days later.......gotten a "little" bit bigger lol

DAY 33
Ive added a little info on each plant so far...


60 Day - 13.5 inches
I must say this is an excellent plant for micro grows and fast easy bud. Short, stocky, lots of bud spots.
The only thing i have to say bad about it is that its an ugly plant....alot of the leaves look greasy and weird.

Northern Lights - 16 inches
Theres not much I can say about this girl except that shes a little late on the flowering part....compared to the other two.

Cheese Auto - 32.5 inches
Loving this plant, smells amazing already! I will note that she is a bit of a stretcher by more than doubling the height of the other two plants. Also she is very light sensitive. My 600w hps must be at LEAST 16 inches from her....anything closer and she starts to wilt

Also....since i was out of bud i picked up some super lemon haze......LOVING IT!!!

They are coming along nicely..
The cheese auto is your favorite? I've been thinking of getting some autos to have in veg tent the whole time while I have a packed flower room. Seems like a win win imo.


They are coming along nicely..
The cheese auto is your favorite? I've been thinking of getting some autos to have in veg tent the whole time while I have a packed flower room. Seems like a win win imo.
The cheese without a doubt. A friend of mine recently harvested a dinafem cheese auto and i he hit me up with some. Tight packed, dank, sticky, perfect bud. He got 1.2 oz in a 1 gallon pot. Im expecting at least 2-2.5 oz on this.

Other than the light distance, great strain to work with.


DAY 37

60 Day
getting sticky as fuck already....LOTS of bud sites

Northern Lights
I gotta say......this thing is very sensitive to nutes

all i can say is mmmmmmmmmm :D



DAY 39
I think all of the growth has pretty much stopped. Maybe a few more inches but thats it.

60 day
TONS of bud sites.....this is supposed to be a low yielder but i think ill get a good zip out of it.

Northern Lights
After that last watering everything perked right back up. The tips are still burnt but they arent any worse

What can I say? I FUCKING LOVE IT lol. The leaves near the bottom are starting to turn nice and yellow
