FIRST GROW 6 35w CFL's and two 25w CFL's on the side


Well-Known Member
i had another thread on another cite but wasent getting much feedback so i thought id try this site out. i sadley enough dont have an older pictures from the start of the grow but i will go ahead and fill you out on my grow so far.its just one bagseed from what look like a dacent strain. i started it indoor under 3 20w cfls and the after about 3 weeks placed it outside on my back porch for about a month in a half. i planned on bringing it in when it showed sex but it just kept getting bigger so i brought it insisde and started the 12/12 early because i dont want it too be a giant. i wish i could i just dont have that kind of space inside. and thankyou jesus it turns out its a female so now i have it in my closet under 6 35w cfls on top of the plant and then two additional 25w cfls. tell me what you guys think and imput or questions would be awsome. thanks



Well-Known Member
hey guys i need some help. the plant started to flower a few days ago im wondering what kind of nuets should i start adding.


Active Member
a good bloom buster like tiger bloom or somethin in that ballpark..i like to add mollasses to mine (2tbs per gal water) it gives em that sugar they love it :cool:


Well-Known Member
how long does the floering process take on average? does it just depend on the lights and nuets? and i was also wondering do i absolutly need to use nuets? or can i just water and keep adding more lights and still get good quality bud?
sorry for being such a newb i just dont have any hydroplonic stores near me or anything with plant food other then lowes or home depot. also when i re potted the plant into a bigger pot i put it in straight sphagnum peat moss, ive read thats to acidic or somthing and too mix it with soil but its been about 7 days and ther plant hasent showed any signs of neut burn or anything? just wondering


Well-Known Member
WP_20130709_006.jpgWP_20130709_008.jpgWP_20130709_013.jpgWP_20130709_017.jpghere are some pics i took today, shes looking pretty nice. you can even see the little hairs coming out! heck yea so stoked!


Well-Known Member
i actually found a hydroponic store nearby, and they have fox farm tiger bloom. should i add mollasses in witht the tiger bloom or no?


Well-Known Member
just got the tiger bloom and just added 1 tbl spoon into a gallon of water just to make sure i dont burn the plant. but im excited to see how it affects the plant growth from this point. should the difference be noticable?


Well-Known Member
No your not in the wrong forum, sorry some people just wont help people out.

FF Tiger bloom will work just fine, flowering time depends on the strain not the nutes and the lights, it all depends on the strain, like if it's sativa dom or indica dom.
Get you some more lights, you want roughly 100 watts per plant in veg and 2-3 times that.

Also if that pot is clear get your girl out of there asap, roots hate light!!

Looks good for your first grow,keep it up and keep reading and trying. It's the only way to learn.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the feedback bro. yea the pot is kind of clear but ill just duck tape all around it hopfully that will be alright. and i deffinitly plan on adding some more lights, probly like 6 more. here are some picks of the tops. think they look up to par?WP_20130712_001.jpgWP_20130712_003.jpgWP_20130712_005.jpgWP_20130712_006.jpg


Active Member
OK, I have a question for you, and this is something I struggled with when I recently started back up growing again:

Why that many CFL's when one HPS or MH HID will do? You are running six 35w CFLs, which is 210w. You're also running two 25w CFLs for a total of 260w. At that point for the money and the lumens output, why not go with a 250w HPS? I found a good one on Amazon for only $60. It throws way more lumens and less heat than all those CFLs your running. I'm not knocking you, just curious on your decision making since I went through the same decisions recently.


New Member
I live in a rental and cant make any permanent mods to my closet. I just cut holes in the door to vent into the room. I plan to replace the door when I move out. I prefer that to having a big ass tent in the middle of the room or whatever. Doors are not that expensive and I can reuse it (closet doors are pretty standard, right?) anywhere I go. It has worked alright as long as I remember to keep the room the closet is in cool.


Active Member
looks good man, add in some more cfls, do a little trimming in a week or so and sit back and watch the beauty.
are you running 6500k and 2700k? for flower.