first grow 5 weeks flower opinions please


Well-Known Member
whats going on guys, looks like theres some tension around here...hope everyone had a good holiday...heres a pic of my girl going into her 4th week flower...


Well-Known Member
The pics are a few pages back and yes seems my thread always gets hit with drama and bs hence why I decided I'm giving it up...this isn't what I want I wanted to be here to learn to get better and well that is far from what I've got off riu recently sasd day..thanks mcpurple for stopping in anyway


Well-Known Member
Of course you do gogrow you told me to as well I'd like people to keep posting here but positive shit I'm going to try and get my shit together and get on track gotta redirect focus :)


Well-Known Member
Of course you do gogrow you told me to as well I'd like people to keep posting here but positive shit I'm going to try and get my shit together and get on track gotta redirect focus :)
ok, so then what seems to be needed help with or how are your plants?


Well-Known Member
Well I flushed about 4 days ago and I looked at them today and they look much better yellowing seems to have slowed but they just don't look real happy at all she is nowhere near done and lost 90 percent of the growth :( so at this point should I just give ph'd water and foiler feed like was suggested I suck at plant problems and thanks mcpurple :)


New Member
so did u decide wether to transplant or just leave it be for now
and why dont u ask on here wether u should reveg since u got some growers at hand

Well I flushed about 4 days ago and I looked at them today and they look much better yellowing seems to have slowed but they just don't look real happy at all she is nowhere near done and lost 90 percent of the growth :( so at this point should I just give ph'd water and foiler feed like was suggested I suck at plant problems and thanks mcpurple :)


Well-Known Member
Yes that was my next question actually I forgot to add it working like always but yes want to reveg as it look like a damn tree of sticks lol and no hadn't decided on transplant but I can say for sure the biggest problem is me hence why she is as bad as she is


so did u decide wether to transplant or just leave it be for now
and why dont u ask on here wether u should reveg since u got some growers at hand
i've never reveg-ed a plant that I didnt harvest, but as long as there's enough leaves to support growth, it should work..... though that thing will most likely turn into a monster afterward since its so big already.

How you doin fab?


Well-Known Member
Well go I was thinking some hst lol most branches are scrawny enough I could bend them down a bit see what happens what do yall think?


Well go I was thinking some hst lol most branches are scrawny enough I could bend them down a bit see what happens what do yall think?
fuck it, if you're down to try it, whats the harm?? at worst you'll just have to abort it, but its worth a shot.... hell, you could even lay it on its side and then re-pot when the branches acclimate upwards again, making it a bit more convienient than lst... just me though, I'm not into pot-bondage :D

The first re-veg I did blew my mind though... you'll get some crazy growth, like leaves that grow in a circle into themselves... I got one that was like two leaves back to back... like 14blades on that thing.... I have a pic on here somewhere.... brb


Well-Known Member
That's just nuts gogrow I will have to see what I can get going on I'm tying the bitch up she needs to learn to be good lol I really want this one to turn out is by far my favorite smelling girl oh and ima chop purplelights tonight fuck it I'm full of coffee why not! Plenty time to sleep when I die :D


Nice job, good looking thin plants. If they underwent all that damage and stress they may be delayed in the flowering process and need more time to finish, check the trichs.


New Member
im glad to see people r stopping in to help

That's just nuts gogrow I will have to see what I can get going on I'm tying the bitch up she needs to learn to be good lol I really want this one to turn out is by far my favorite smelling girl oh and ima chop purplelights tonight fuck it I'm full of coffee why not! Plenty time to sleep when I die :D