First grow, 480w cfl(real output) bagseed


Active Member
Hello RIU,

This is my first grow of ... anything so i'm going to need all the help you ganja mastermind's can give

i'm growing 11 plants, one of them is 60 day's old, 42 day's in to flowering, she has been topped and has been through .. hell ffs, nute burned it 2 times , overwatered it, repoted it 3 times, first it was in some soil from a garden near me, then it was in flower potting soil and now it is in coco .... so if there is a marijuana stressing competition ... well i got the cup lol

the other 10 plant's are 38 day's old, in to vegging they have been topped for 4 collas and i used the top's as clones, they are allmost 2 week's old .... and they're not dead yet ...

Setup :

-Light: 480 w of pure cfl power 2800w equiv, 16 of them are 2700k, 4 of them are 2200k total lumen output is 28.000
-soil : coco
-nute : florasol, veg, force flower and bloom (cheap stuff)
-ph : 6.3, watering with tap water(ph before adjust: 7.8-8.5)

any advice would be more then great, hit me with everything you got but try not to bully, it's a cheap setup and right now i dont have the founds to make it better.

P.S. excuse my poor grammar and spelling, enlish is not my main language ... but i'm trying to do my best, so bare with me .
Pic's ::joint:



Active Member
Forgot to add that the temp's stay ~78-80 light's on and 69-70 light's off
rh is 30-40% in the flowering area and 55-60% in the veg area(light's 24/7)

Any advice would be nice , come on don't be shy, join in :D


Hey Ssmokeeennn, lookin pretty good considering what its been through. An thats a pretty cool set up you've got many cfl's. Looks good. I'll be keepin tuned for sure to see how this one goes. GL
DoctorMap :leaf:


Active Member
Thx map, welcome aboard , well ... it's very stubborn plant, what ever i do to it , it just wont die :) she just want's to survive and some day make my brain's go woohoooo

she is packing weight but ... very slow, probably because of all the stress she has been through ... i guess the only way to learn is from mistakes. I think she will take more then 10 weeks of flowering ... she's looking like she is a sativa predominant strain

the young ones on the other hand .... they went in to overdrive 1 or more set of leaves/day on the new set of leaves i use a mild tea of willing tree stick's and 1/8 nute schedule (8/4/4 +micro elements )) with every watering .

here are some pic's of the veg ones, the clones are also doing well, more then 2 weeks have past and they're still not dead what do you guy's think ? will they make it ? (i didnt use any rooting hormone, just plain water and about 1 week later willing tree tea ... ohh and no humidity dome either )



Well-Known Member
Hey Smkn. That is a lot of CFL's. You might want to get the plants a little closer to the light source.
Was the flowering plant from a clone? Even still for 6 weeks into flowering with only 18 days veg she is struggling. I stressed the fuck out of one of mine too and she is ending up small. I would focus on the other ones you have which look pretty good. I might sub to see how it all goes. Love the CFL grows.


Well-Known Member
hahaha this is great,.. u coulda just bought a 400hps,.. ur yield wouldve thanked ya..
but i dig this, its fun to do ur own shit, plan ur own shit and make ur own shit.....GL


Well-Known Member
Thats alot of cfl's looks pretty bright, what are the temps like? have you used your setup before or is this your 1st time with it? any reason for having that many bulbs n not just the one 400 or a 250+ a 150 etc..? hope all goes well - STELTHY :)


Active Member
Hey Smkn. That is a lot of CFL's. You might want to get the plants a little closer to the light source.
Was the flowering plant from a clone? Even still for 6 weeks into flowering with only 18 days veg she is struggling. I stressed the fuck out of one of mine too and she is ending up small. I would focus on the other ones you have which look pretty good. I might sub to see how it all goes. Love the CFL grows.
hey rocksteady,

nope thy are all started from seed, yeah ... she is still struggling .... this is the first and last time i grow with coco, i like that you allmost can not overwater it but ... it's too much of a pain with the nutes and all. for my next grow, i'm going for a good potting soil with time realeased fert's .
hopefully she will finish and give me something to smoke, it'll be the first time i smoke something grown by me...

welcome aboard, i also subbed you're grow :shock:, if you have any advice form, please throw it in . thx mate.

hahaha this is great,.. u coulda just bought a 400hps,.. ur yield wouldve thanked ya..
but i dig this, its fun to do ur own shit, plan ur own shit and make ur own shit.....GL
i'm afraid a 400 w hps would pull too much heat for me to handle atm, but definetly i', going for 400-600w hps for my next grow(from some serious seed)

yep the hall point of this grow is to make my own shit and it's more like a practice sesion :D

Thx for the advice, stop by anytime to throw in some guru advice, i need any i can get

Thats alot of cfl's looks pretty bright, what are the temps like? have you used your setup before or is this your 1st time with it? any reason for having that many bulbs n not just the one 400 or a 250+ a 150 etc..? hope all goes well - STELTHY :)
well, this is the first time i use it, just 2 weeks ago there were only 8 CFL's in there, so that's the reason it streched like that. yup, it's pretty bright in there, my eye's hurt if i look straight to the cfl's. I had one of those light gauges that read's lumens on a scale from 1- 2000, and it was reading max pretty much everywhere i put it, even in the corners of the closet

the reason i dont use a hps for now .... is the heat issue, i didnt manage to find a cooltube for now... i'm have trouble dealing with temp's just as it is, it's a pain to keep it in the 75-80 range when light's are on.

thx for stopping by, looking forward to see you again.

Peace !:joint:


Active Member
Well done man, great stuff. I got a very similar grow going with 350wats CFL

Thx allot , if the pic from you're avatar is part of you're grow ...then WOW cool stuff , i'm gonna visit you're journal and see what you got :D

Your english is great!
thx mate .... i'm trying to make myself atleast understandable , don't want to get you guy's brainstorming just to figure what the hell i'm trying to say :))

Thx for stopping by, have a toke :joint:



Active Member
Hey man, that pic is from an outdoor grow last year. I havent updated my journal in the last 3 weeks or so, will do tomorrow :)


Active Member
Ok, so it's day 45 since flip for the flowering girl, and day 41 for the vegging ones (day 12 for the clones)

The big girl is slowly but surely packing on , she is still recovering fromt he nute burn .... but pistol are shooting there and there at a constant pace ... hopefully it will speed up.

Btw, she has a strong odor now, something like rotten cheese mixed with some stinky ass skunk ...:bigjoint:

as for the little girls(i hope) they're growing like crazy, can't w8 to throw them in to the flowering closet :X

the clones .... well, dont know what to say , i need a expert eye to look at them, in the last 2 day's, all they're top's are starting to point upward's ... is the a sign that they're dying ? or that they're gonna make it ? i for one hope it's the last option lol

Got any ideea of anything i could to to improve my grow up ? any suggestion is well taken, throw in anything you got


P.S. Almost forgot, here are some pic's :D



Well-Known Member
nice setup im similar in watts for the cfls im at 422w with 16 - 26w Spiral CFLs. And ya the temp control is a pain in the ass i would suggest buying a portable AC unit that vents out a dryer hose instead of being in a window, then you can vent some cool air in there thats what i just did today and it helped so much now i can keep it right at 75. Im Subbed! and +rep for a creative homemade CFL hood ( i made one also that works pretty fuckin well)


Active Member
Actually those buds look sweet. Much better photos.
yup they do don't they :D it's sad how the fan leaves are looking .... but hopefuly everything will straighten up, don't wanna lose my "first"girl, she's smelling so sweet ... damn i just can't wait to taste some of that happy bud lol

Nice mate...some tasty lookin buds you got there. Keep it up.
Thx bro, verry soon the other hopefully girl's will join her and get a lesbo orgy goin' in there :twisted:

nice setup im similar in watts for the cfls im at 422w with 16 - 26w Spiral CFLs. And ya the temp control is a pain in the ass i would suggest buying a portable AC unit that vents out a dryer hose instead of being in a window, then you can vent some cool air in there thats what i just did today and it helped so much now i can keep it right at 75. Im Subbed! and +rep for a creative homemade CFL hood ( i made one also that works pretty fuckin well)
Thx mate, i can't really put a portable ac in there ... don't have the space inside the closet or outside it, it's a stealth grow and i cant have anything around that closet or it will raise suspicion heh .

yup, those cfl's are doing they're job pretty well , there has been no more stretching since i added them, and that fan on top of the hood keeps the cfl's pretty cool. and if you think of it, it's just a sheet of thin plywood, with the cfl's fixed to it with simple plastic rings lol .

I will pay you're grow a visit, you made me curious :P
great work man!! i really like your setup.. those buds already look so so so delicious! Good luck hope everything works out!


Active Member
Thank's mate, they do they do, i took a peak at you'r grow, i bet those girlies will get you on you're back in a few week's time, all they need is love and tender lol .... aaand a hall lot of bling shining around them ... crap, dunno what the hell i'm talking about, imma go relock myself to the couch .

Peace brothers !