*First Grow* 400watt HPS - 5x Easy Ryder


OK. First ever grow. Here's the specs:

400 Watt HPS Light (HTGSupply.com)

5x Feminized Easy Ryder

Grow Medium--
2gal Grow Bags


100% Organic Garden Soil (No Name Brand, got from Wal Mart)The seeds are in 5 seperate solo cups right now and are sitting about 4-5 inches below a 8bulb T5 Light fixture in my friends closet. They will be transplanted to my closet, and put under a 400watt HPS sometime next week.

Here are some pics of the current setup:

The bigger pot is some basic schwag (regs), but its a female and is slowly showing pistols. We haven't used any nutrients at all and have been watering it with tap water. Hows it look?

The 5 easy ryder's are in the red solo cups, we have them as close as possible.

Heres some more schwag

Again the red solos are the easy ryders, Any input?

I'm ultimately going to transfer my 5x Easy Ryders to a the 2Gal Grow Bags I got. I'm going to line my closet with mylar and throw the 400hps in there OR build a growbox/cab type of deal in my closet.. we'll see.

This is my first grow some hopefully i dont fuck shit up?

Some more questions:

What nutrients should I invest in for AutoFlowering such as Easy Ryder?

When should I use the nutrients?

How many times per day should I Water?

Any other tips are greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
heh i got that same light, sun light supply 2ft 8 blulb t5 =) its awesome for clones and babies. looking good

Also, you are only gonna water ever few day. All depending on the humidity and temp of your room


Well-Known Member
Plants look good. Closet looks bad, LOL. Nah, looks like my house actually. In the rooms they slapped sheetrock over the plaster walls, but left the plaster to crumble in the closets.

Can't wait to see how they progress under the 400W HPS. Going to get one of those next month myself =)


Thanks for all the replys, the closet isn't mine.. neither is the light. It's a New Wave 8 Bulb T5 fixture, right now it's got the bigger shwag plant under it, ready to go into flowering mode.. and the 5 Easy Ryders in solos. My 400watt HPS Light is coming THIS WEEK and i'm going to throw it in my closet along with the 5 babies, is there any special steps I should take to avoid shocking the plants when putting them under a more powerfull light? Thanks


Well-Known Member
As long as there isn't a huge change in temperature, the change of lights shouldn't have any real effect.
small cups like that depending on drainage will not need water for at least a week. and don't need light until the seeds have broken soil. soil should stay moist by spraying the dirt and putting plastic over the cup. keep hps light pretty far at first. lets off too much heat in a closet at first.
Also get the best soil you can get, not from wal mart. Fox Farm is good enough with there 3 pack nutes after a month you can start feeding. I made all the minor mistakes your making now! a month ago.. the other plant looks nice. to have best growth it will take some reading on the plant. good luck