First grow...30 days


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So my girls are looking better and starting to finally take off. The wellest one grew at least half inch to an inch overnight. They still have a long way to go though.

I put them directly from their jiffy pots into the final 5 gallon bucket. I have now read they shouldn't be in white buckets that would let light in to the roots. I plan on covering them with heavy duty construction bags. Hopefully that will resolve that issue. I bought the better food grade buckets thinking they would be more sterile.
Anyway, now my issue seems to be algae from those darn jiffy pots. I began spraying the top of the soil with diluted hydrogen peroxide per other post and also read covering the top with white sand would be good. Need to get it resolved before algae mites infest the girls.
I bought 20 20 20 fert and waiting on arrival. I also treated the sick looking plant with some cal-mag since it was getting yellow spots and they have almost resolved.
Any other input would be greatly appreciated. I also got a pH test kit for the water and already have the soil meter combo.
One question besides ideas for the algae is about when to top and will they need support?

Thanks Everyone! Happy Growing!

If you are going to top wait for those things to grow. I'll find a picture. No a link to a video even better. The way I grow I top all I can find. When you see the video you will see. Be right back with the video 9.....

Enjoy. It is so cool how the plant responds to that topping.


Smoking for fun
If you germinate leave the top of the seed peeking through the soil a little. Action in 2 to 3 days that way. I lost some I germed because the tap root didn't go up. It went down. Always up for success.

I always thought you were supposed to try to put the root down. Thanks for the reply.

