First Grow 3 weeks in wudaya think (pics)


After several failed attempts in coco I popped two White Widow and put them in FFOF. These ladies are three weeks old. I topped both of them 4 days ago and fed again this morning (last time was 4 days ago). They don't have much height which somewhat worries me because I want to LST as soon as possible. I have them under 4 6500k 23w CFL as well as a 900W (equivalent) LED two feet above. I transplanted from solo cups after a week. They are currently in 3 gallon fabric pots and I'm hoping this will be their final home. I have noticed a root or two already penetrating the bottom of the fabric pots on both plants.



Well-Known Member
They look great really you are doing a great job. Don't panic at this remark I have bad eyes but it is possible I see traces of spider mites. Check with a jewlers loop for the bug or hold it at different angles by the light to check for thin web strings.

I am probably wrong but if you do have them they are super easy to kill while plants are little.


They look great really you are doing a great job. Don't panic at this remark I have bad eyes but it is possible I see traces of spider mites. Check with a jewlers loop for the bug or hold it at different angles by the light to check for thin web strings.

I am probably wrong but if you do have them they are super easy to kill while plants are little.
Where do you see traces of spider mites? Are you talking about the small yellowing near where I topped it? I just checked with my jewlers scope and didn't see anything. I looked on the underside of the leaves.


Well-Known Member
I thought I seen a little web string but you wpuld have seen it if it was real. Your fine, good to check.


I thought I seen a little web string but you wpuld have seen it if it was real. Your fine, good to check.
I have a wood panel sitting on some old milk crates. Shortly after I put those crates in there I saw three gnats. I almost blew a gasket. I took everything out and scrubbed it down, got neem oil, and those yellow strips. Luckily, I think they were just regular gnats that were on the milk crates. I haven't seen any critters since then. I went so far as to spray down and scrub the milk crates with Isopropyl alcohol. Right now my only concern is the height. I was hoping they would have had some more vertical growth by now. I moved the lights up and everything.


Well-Known Member
You topped them they look great for being topped. Keep everything consistent they will take back off soon.