i will. its suppose to be a sour diesal seed so they told me to let it flower 8-10 weeks so im thinking towards the end of july. Any tips to know when shes ready to harvest?
Strains look very nice! Your making me feel like I should start flowering my CheeseWreck, which is now on it's 6thWk. But I will wait. My Super-BatMan 0.G. will start it's new cycle(12/12) come time 2mrw, very excited!
I read wrong! 0k so your 3wks and 1day(now 2) into flowering. Thght you met your plant was 3wks and you were getting ready2flower - I was tired and not paying attention - that's a big plant, I can see that you super-cropped it - Nice!
started to flower 5/22
hairs started to form
round the 5/30 5/31st
how is she looking? View attachment 2211254View attachment 2211255View attachment 2211256[/QUOT
hey dude you have a hps right?....I think you do but anyways, u need to strap all of the branches down to open that plant up and make light go tdown to the core and take off the lower small branches on every main branch and u will have about 400 grams