First Grow 3 Strains Same Conditions Different Results pics inc


Hello, I thought i would try my hand at growing my own this summer. So i purchased 3 seeds from a local seed bank, Blueberry, Northern Lights and a Big Bud, all three are feminized auto flower, then planted them in some cheapo fertilizer from the supermarket. After sowing them in early May and leaving them on the window sill, i then bought a 400w duel spectrum bulb with a 600w ballast (i later learned i was wasting money on electricity), I also bought a tomato tent about 4ft by 3 and lined it with foil, a small fan and a humid and temp gauge and put that in my shed. This is a botch job.

We have had a decent summer this year so the plants have spent most of their life on the patio or in the conservatory. I have only moved them in the shed, under the lights when the weather has been poor. Giving my plants 16/8 then 14/10 and now into budding 12/12 keeping it fairly consistent give or take an hour sometimes. I have also only added nutrients once, some more cheapo all round mix for general use which the plants didn't like, they started wilting and loosing color so i flushed them out.

Being my first grow i know i have a lot to learn but i have also discovered that these different strains have reacted differently given that they have all been treated quite the same, same light same soil, same feed, same watering etc. The only difference it that i topped my Northern Lights about 2 weeks before i tried to FIM the other two. However the Blueberry and the Big Bud then started to flower and bud weeks before the NL. Because the NL produced more veg i was able to tie her down and get more growth.
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The Big bud stopped growing and just turned into one fat bud.
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The Blueberry has stayed stunted like some kind of dwarf plant but has its own individual beauty in the color of its deep purple leaves although this is not going to produce much yield.

I have had lots of fun growing these and i think i will do a better job next time round, They will all be ready for harvest soon with Bigbud in the lead. Its showing almost all trichomes cloudy. Still not exactly sure when to harvest though.

Any tips, or explanation as to why these differences might have occurred is welcome.




Thanks, I am not sure if the red/purple leaves are due to being unhealthy, The other two didn't mind the conditions though. I think its fair to say that different strains react to different environments.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, diff strains definitely react differently. Its crazy, your grow is like a perfect example of genetics:

Northern lights is considered one of the easiest plants to grow. Hence why yours is a decent size with decent buds despite the lack of good soil and nutrients.

The blueberry is a sativa, which are known to take way longer to flower. I definitely recommend waiting the longest to harvest that one, probably like a month after the other two. If you want to get any kind of decent yield from a sativa, your best hope is with stress training like topping, super cropping, main lining, scrog, etc..

The big bud... Well, I think the genetics speak for itself on that one.

Looking good man! Good to know a decent plant can be grown with very little effort if you just leave them the fucl alone.

BTW, I'm noticing the tips starting to yellow and die on the northern lights. Its normal for a plant to start using up the nitrogen from its leaves when its in flower, so they'll start to turn yellow from the tips as it matures. Look out though if they start really dying off (not just turning yellow but actually becoming necrotic) BC it generally means there's a deficiency or a toxicity. In your case tho, I'd say if anything like that were to happen it would be from a deficiency, given your feeding (or lack of) and what not.

Overall, looking good man! Consider yourself lucky for this being your first grow.


Well-Known Member
Ohhhh yeah, forgot to add--- that crazy purpling color from the blueberry is not necessarily normal, but also not abnormal. I would guess that its magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is an essential component of the chlorophyll molecule, and chlorophyll is basically like the pigment in plants. You know your plant has plenty if it has a nice green color.

Chloroplasts produce chlorophyll all throughout their lifetime, even in flower and plants are known to be able to drink up cal-mag during flower.

If you have a grow store nearby I would definitely suggest buying some cal mag and treating with it. And it might be a little too late (maybe not for the blueberry) but a simple "bloom" formula might not be a bad idea to pick up. You don't want to feed all the way up until harvest (flush with water for like 2 weeks before cropping out) but if you plan on continuing to grow then I would go ahead and pick some up and feed the blueberry once or twice, maybe see it pick up on that bud formation.


Thanks Thor.. Unfortunately the Blueberry was covered in spider mites when i checked on them one morning so i was forced to quarantine and wash the plant with soapy water, it killed the mites but they ended up stuck to the plant its self so i cut it down. The big bud was harvested about 2 weeks ago and is nicely curing. I got about 1 and half oz from it, better than a kick up the ass, smells wonderful.
Northern lights seems to be stuck in cloudy trichome mode ...still waiting to see some amber, any day now, i think i will get a nicer yield maybe 3 ounces.

Not much ..but its almost free. I grew it myself and its gonna taste sweet! nothing better than growing your own :)