First Grow...3 bag seeds


Hey, First grow here. Ive got a 125w CFL daylight bulb and 4 CFL 26w that put out 2700. I vegged the fist one for a week and the other to for 2 weeks. Now they are under 12/12. the reason i switched so early is cause im growin in my closet and dont want these puppies to get too tall. they are all at day 16 right now from sprout. the bigger one is the one i put into 12/12 first. i Just bought the B.C. Nutrients Recipe for success started kit so we'll see how this works.



Well-Known Member
Looks like that crack...which is identical to a cannabis plant....I'd try not to get caught with it ull be charged with possession and cultivation of crack/cocaine


Well-Known Member
And u put em early in 12/12 small harvest but hey....a small amount of crack is worth a shit load of weed..


Lots of new growth since i put in 6 more CFLs. They are at day 26 right now. i just planted two trainwreck seeds and ill plant a Master Jedi Kush when im done here. The two i planted today are in Happy Frog Soil. My other 3 are in miracle grow seed started and perlite. The biggest one is LSTed. I only vegged that one for a week and the other two for two weeks.



Active Member
Great lookin plants! I'll be very interested to see how much you yield. I'm doing a somewhat similar grow w/ CFL's and a quick veg cycle, just put into flower yesterday so I've got a ways to go. Good luck!