First grow. 3 1/2 weeks. Questions!


Hey all like the title says its my first grow. got a few questions. And would really appreciate some feedback.

1) General health

2) Indica or Sativa

3) Growth level looking good for age?

Outdoor grow, southern florida.

The attached pictures are dated back to April 2nd in the first, to april 25th in the last.

Thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
I thought it looked like it was a little more sativa. You're probably right though and its too early to really tell. Its definitely not really dominant one way or the other. As far as how it is growing, how many nodes does it have now? I can't see that from the last picture. Looks healthy though.


2 nodes so far.

Compared to my other plant, which was planted at the same time. it deff looks more sativa. The leaves are long and slim. Dont know if you can tell that from the pics.

And the other plant is on its first node and BARELY has its first set of true leaves.

Is rapid growth a sign on it being male?


Yea id rather do inside to be honest. Just dont have the means. and im not looking for the big yields. Casual smoking every now and then. Just dont like to deal with the dealers around here. there all thugs. Wish i had that pineapple express type dealer lol.


Active Member
Aye, whats up man. I live in Orlando, what about you? Your plant looks good, my opinion would be more indica. I started my plants at about the same time as you and shit, your plant is like 2 times bigger than mine xD(jealous). What kind of soil are you using, and did you add any feed yet? I got schultz insta feed or some shit like that at 10-15-10. I would like to get something higher in nitrogen but aye its what I got. I plain on adding the feed in about another week.
Looking good smoke1123 ,a lot more leaf than mine and i started at the same time mines looks like a mini bonsai palm tree about 2 inches high and no nodes just a straight up stalk.Only got a couple of layers of leaf at the top
but it is my first grow as well.Im going to wait but i may need to post a thread for some advice but trawling through all the great info on the site,dont think Ive read so much since i left school.Good luck and keep us posted