First Grow: 250/400 HPS Hashplant Haze & Big Bang


Hey hey everyone!

So, after months of planning, designing, researching, mad question asking and blunt passing, I have finally ordered my seeds (from Single Seed Centre) and started putting the finishing touches on my grow room.

For my first cannabis grow (I've been gardening for about 13 years now), I decided that I'll be growing DNA's Hashplant Haze and Green House's Big Bang. I chose these two strains based on my desire for a relaxing evening smoke with anti-anxiety tendencies (the Big Bang) and an energetic daytime smoke for when I want to go surfing or hang out with a group (the Hashplant Haze). In keeping with my vegetable gardening background, I'll be growing both completely organically. I have a total of 5 feminized seeds coming, and I will pick the healthiest candidate from each strain as the grow progresses.

So now I need the help of some of my friends at RIU. I have all of my supplies (except for the seeds of course) but I would greatly appreciate a little inspection before I set everything up. Pictures with be uploaded within a few hours, as soon as my girlfriend brings her camera over.

Here is a list of my supplies:

Roots Organic Soil (2 bags)
Hydroton (for use at the bottom of the pots)
Down to Earth Bone Meal (3-15-0)
Down to Earth Kelp Meal (1-0.1-2)
Indonesian Bat Guano

1x 250 watt HPS w/ hood
1x 400 watt HPS w/o hood
Large fluorescent seedling light that what just given to me

Grow Room
Approximately 1.2 m by 1.8 m (4ft by 6ft) with a high ceiling

2x Temp and Humidity Gauges
2x Appliance Timer (for lights)
Hydrion pH Strips
Pots of various depths and sizes

I have not ordered nutrients yet as I am unsure if I will need any extras in addition to my typical stock of bonemeal, kelp, etc. However, I have heard BioBizz makes a promising organic nutrient compound. Does anyone have any experience with this company?

Also (and this will be included in the pictures as well) I decided to start a few bag seeds that I had, and 10 days from germination they are looking pretty good. However, one of them (which spouted on the same day as the others) is substantially taller and leafier, though I hesitate to say more substantial. It's has a very stretchy stalk, and after only 10 days it's already showing its 3rd and 4th sets of leaves, but this plant is also becoming increasingly yellow and, as of a few hours ago, what appears to be nute burned. Which I find odd as I have neither used nutrients nor used any of my soil mix (it can be a bit nutrient strong for young plants from my experience). Could the issue be overwatering?

Thanks everyone for their help! I will load pictures within a few hours, but until then, happy growing. Have a great day! :leaf: