First grow 2450 watts cfl day 24 flowering+ rep for advice, pointers, suggestions


Active Member
Hey heres some pictures of her at 30 days flowering. Still have yellowing slowly climbing to the top but i gave her a shot of some blood meal hopefully give her enough nitrogen to finish out 6 more weeks.

Lemme know what you guys think any advice on the brown spots on the yellowing leaves? hopefully nothing to worry about seeing as i havent come across any other symptoms.

Currently feeding every 6 days
Bio canna flores 10ml/gallon
cannazym 6ml/gallon
Molasses 1 tablespoon/gallon
Miracle grow bloodmeal 1/2 teaspoon/gallon



Active Member
They look gorgeous.
You are doing a great job so far.
They will fill in nicely and hopefully get some plumpness to them, and get real thick.
Looks great dude, Hope you get a nice harvest.


Active Member
Man i hope so seeing as this is my first grow and all. Its been a crazy experience. Ive started a few more seedling. 2 more bag seeds and a dro seed from some bad ass dro. hopefully everything goes well. we will see i guess.


Active Member
Well if you are going to use it for personal use. then goodjob, and if you are selling it well then you are gonna make your money back.
But i would suggest cloning maybe? you know, Something like that.


New Member
Off rip you need to lose the reflector on the back light, its sending light down when there aint need for it when the light can be going to the top buds, it would be useful if that reflector was directly over the top of the plant! Some of the other reflectors need to be repositioned to give better light penetration. That takes care of your lighting issue!
Now with the yellowing your correct with adding a little bone meal for n, the plants still require n in flowering, just not as much as in veging, each strain is different in their needs, yours might require a little bit more than some!
Make the lighting change and youll gain more dense buds and heavier buds! You have a sativa take it into at least 10 weeks in flower and even better yet 12 for maximum weight!
Good luck Dude!


New Member
Oh yea yield wise, do what I said and youll get over two o's with the size of that plant.
One last suggestion, try feeding a little more frequent dont increase strength only frequency like water, nute, water, nute... the moment you see any kind of burn back off the nutes, dont panic and just water the next time instead of nuting.


Active Member
Yea ive been giving her some blood meal 12-0-0 for 1 week now trying to correct that n problem. I had a previous post advising me to remove the back reflector as well im going to do that before shes back in the light. How should i reposition the other lights if you dont mind answering +rep for you. thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
Hey Riu this is my first grow and it started outdoors, but due to lack of sun i made a grow room in my closet. Im currently flowering under about 230watts actual cfl(both 2700k and 5500k to achieve full spectrum). Shes been flowering for 24 days today. I have a small nitrogen problem but today i fed a half a teaspoon along with 12ml of bio canna flores and pk 13/14 I started my flowering nutrients a bit to soon i think thi is why im having a nitrogen problem so soon into flowering. Heres a few pictures of her from today, lemme know what you guys think. Also i have a picture of my setup lemme know how it looks.

you must be doing something right. i have mine at 21 days and they are no where neare as long but seem more dense. either that or your at day 30-35+ an just fibbed to make the journal look right


Active Member
I apologize if someone else addressed this as I only skimmed.

How is it that you have 2450 watts of cfl lightning? Are you using the actual watt numbers or replacement watt numbers?


Active Member
sorry it was a typo i am unable to change i meant 250watts although now i have 290watts... i think i need an hid... mabye one day