First Grow - 2 x 1000w


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I am a legal caregiver in the state of Michigan. This is a journal detailing my entire first grow. All and any tips, suggestions or constructive criticism is welcomed and appreciated.

I'm a few days into transplanting my clones into 5gal warrior pots so I will explain my setup, plants, nutrients, etc...

Day one - Sold 2006 GSX R 1000 :cry: (ya gotta do what ya gotta do!)
Day two - Went shopping! Actually it took me two weeks to put together all of the things I will list below. Here goes...

1 - 9' x 11' Empty room
2 - 1000w Baddass Ballasts (wired 240)
2 - XXXtreme 8" hoods (w/ducting)
2 - 8" Baddass blowers
1 - 8" x 36" Phresh Carbon Filter
2 - Baddass Red Diamond 1000w HPS Bulbs
1 - Baddass Blue Diamond 1000w MH Bulb
1- 50lb C02 Tank with Sentinel C02 Regulator
1 - Sentinel C02 Controller (CHHC-4)
1 - Sentinel Light Timer (MDT-1)
12 - 5gal Warrior pots
2 - Rolls of Home Depot Mylar (meh)

3 bags of Fox Farm soil
3 bags of Happy Frog soil
1 bag of earthworm castings

Humboldt Nutrients -

General Hydroponics -

Beneficial Biologies -

Vitamin Institute -

Currently I have 4 lemon skunk, 4 blue cheese and 4 master kush underneath 1 1000w Baddass MH bulb running at 50% @ 24hours. The hood is about 15 inches from the tops of the plants. I have one of my blowers hooked up to both hoods running 24/7. Temp in the room is in the high 70's-low 80's and humidity is at 70%. My C02 will be hooked up Friday (controller issue) so nothing to report about that yet.

This past Sunday I transplanted these babies into their new 5gal homes. The night of the transplant I used 10L of water (tap, let sit in the room for an hour or so) and added 1/2 teaspoon of Super Thrive, a 1/2 teaspoon of Sea Green and 2 teaspoons of GROW. Yesterday the plants did not seem real happy with me so today I gave them straight H20.

Here's my babies!! <<<<----------link

I keep hearing less is more but today I think I smoked too much and gave the plants too much attention in the wrong direction as I went ahead and tried supercropping. After the way they looked yesterday and today I know I should of held off on anything but straight water but didn't. Let's hope nothing is screwed up that I can't fix.

Again, any tips suggestions or even if you would care to flame me, be my guest as I am anxious to hear opinions and /or thoughts.

Thanks for looking!!
Adding pics to the post instead of just the link.
Lemon Skunk-

Master Kush -

Blue Cheese -

All -

From the way it looks now, it seems the cheese plants are going to be huge but at this point anything can happen.
Ha, and I thought I went all out with the equipment for my first grow. Def subscribing. From what you said in your first post, it certainly sounds a bit early to be giving them nutes. The soil you're using is pretty nutrient rich. I've read that you should let them go for a good three weeks before giving nutes when using Fox Farms soils. Since you just put them into 5gal pots, I'd consider going three weeks from the date of that replanting before continuing with the nutes. Also, leaving tap water our for an hour probably isn't nearly enough time to let all the chlorine evaporate. 24 hours is the rule of thumb there. Since you were able to pick up all those wonderful toys, I'm guessing you can afford the $200-$300 for a decent water filter. Depending on the quality of your tap water, you might not need an RO filter, though if you can afford one, I don't see the harm in picking up. Best of luck with the grow!
Thanks guys. Let's hope they stay happy.

Thanks kriznarf! Yea my friend was just bitching at me about the water thing. A water filter is definitely in my near future. I may have to cut corners on the water filter since I didn't do it anywhere else... my budget is goneeeeeeee
Ok so here are some pics of a few plants I'm worried about. It's mainly the lemon skunk, but I noticed it on 2 of the cheese and 1 of the master kush. I have no idea what these marks are from but the bottom leaves in the pics are drying up fast.

I know I wasn't very nice to these ladies a few days ago. I tried looking for these same issues on the forum but I'm not sure what I'm looking for.

Does anyone know what this is?

Any help is appreciated!


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I'm not exactly sure, but you could have a magnesium deficiency. Try adding Epsom salt at two tablespoons per five gallon feeding.
Also, I am guessing Mg over N or K because I see some spotting in your plants which is common with magnesium deficiencies.
Ok I was planning on watering them again today so I'll try adding the epsom when I do. I hate being a total noob... So much to learn
Thursday morning I watered my plants and added some Epsom salt to the water. Today they looked a bit more lively and even greener.

Here's a few pics of the plants and of my setup. I just got my Co2 controller and got it mounted. It's all coming together...

Not feeding any nutes yet, just water. Still running 24 hour light, now at 75% (dimmable ballast). In a few days I plan to start giving them a few hours rest, nutes, LST and possibly running my other hood with a HPS just for the added spectrum. I can't wait to see what this equipment is capable of !!!

Oh and my lemon skunk is already stinking up my entire house. I had to start my air scrubber since my son will be over tonight and tomorrow :)
I read earlier that you sold your bike in order to finance your room. I had my bike built for me while I was stationed in Afghanistan, but upon coming home I realized my ex wife had drained my bank account, so I sold my bike in order to pursue this hobby.
Thanks cannabis :)

That sucks man, but you will most likely ride again if all goes well on your grow I assume? I know that's my plan anyway. Not sure if I'll get another 1000 though. That thing was nothing but trouble for me. What kind of bike did you have?

Side note: the attempted supercropping was a success? All the stems I bent on every plant repaired themselves and out grew another large healthy looking stem right on top it. They seem to be responding well to it so I bent a few more of the tops over today before their watering. They did develop these bubble looking things at the tops of the new stems, which I thought was strange, but it looks healthy so I'll wait and see what happens before I worry.

CO2 is running at a steady 900-925ppm, soil ph is about 6.5, temp is almost a constant 80-83F at plant level and humidity is at 54%. Will post pics in a few days just before I start their regular 18/6 veg cycle. I'm hoping I can control the temp when I start running 2000w MH and HPS @ 100%... the only vent in my room is for the hoods. :/
ya eventually ill get another bike but my boat comes first! my bike was custom built form the frame up with a 114ci crate motor from ultima, matching 6 sp tranny, and 3" open belt was beautiful. I got my eye on a 18' duckworth boat that i just gotta have! let the toy collection begin!
A bike would have to come first since I'm a land lover and speed freak haha

Ok so my plants seem to be doing really well after yesterdays bending and breaking. My cheese plants are growing super super fast. The master kush just sprouted a ton of new branches within the last 2 days. The lemon skunk look pretty sad but I'm hoping they start looking a lot better soon. Can't wait to see what they do under the full 1000w MH with 6 hours of rest.

Here's a pic of the little bubbles that are popping up. I'm hoping this is not my plant showing signs of being a male or hermie... If anyone knows please let me know.

Here's the Cheese looking real good:CH1.jpgCH.jpgCH2.jpg

Here's the Master Kush taking off:

and last but not least, my OK looking Lemon Skunk:

Wednesday or Thursday is when these ladies go into normal veg time!! I can't wait!


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