First Grow - 150 watt HPS

doin it cheap, and the organic way... in my closet.
- 150 watt hps
- vented with a 4in 80cfm.
- planted 3 bag seeds
- using tap water that i leave in a bucket with an air pump to keep the water aerated.

im gonna be using some miraclegro house plant food and that superthrive hormone- just to try it out.
so far its the 3rd day, ive been running 20/4 since i planted the seeds (after germination, using a damp paper towel), and i'm going to switch to 12/12 in about 2 weeks.

temperature is steadily around 73-76. i live upstairs and the weather is getting pretty hot now.
im not looking for too much from this, just a lot of experience and some nice free smoke.
i figure from the 3 i planted, hopefully 1 is a female, which would be perfect for my closet.
Also i'm leaving in about 4 months to move into a new place so i wish to have harvested this by then!



Active Member
you really dont need it vented if you're doing a 150 watt HPS, mine isn't and it's doesn't get hot at all
well i actually just put the vent in today because i ran the light a little (before i planted the seeds) and it was about 85 degrees under the light so i figured id just get the vent- just for future purposes and what not. thanks for the comment
Everything seems to be going fine.

I moved the vent closer to the light so that itll be stronger and put a cardboard piece next to it to push the hot air up. plus the gap next to that area is moving cold air out anyways.

I also just watered and misted the plants.

I plan on just switching to 12/12 later on today because i dont really want to wait through the veg cycle and i wanted to do 12/12 from the beginning anyways.
what do you think about this? comments are always welcome too, thanks!

So everything still looks good. Its the 2nd week overall, and 1 week after changing to 12/12. So i did 18/6 for a week and then just switched to 12/12. I took some pictures with the plants away from the HPS so you guys can see it better too.

One of the plants is getting pretty big compared to the other ones... I was wondering when would be good to FIM/Top it? I took a close up just so there's a better picture of what I'm working with.

The other ones are growing but slowly- I like it though because I want them to stay small.

Also, should I start to train the plants now if I want to LST them? I'm going to end up transplanting them but I kind of want to wait until I can determine whether they're male or female. HELP PLEASE :wall:

Any help is very appreciated!


okay so i decided to do neither TOPing or FIMing. they are already in 12/12 and growing fine and I dont want to stunt the growth at all especially if I'm not going to be doing 18/6 anymore to help the plant heal from it. I think I'll just LST them once i figure out the sex and transplant them.

questions and comments please


I am a beginner too but if you veg for just 2 weeks I think you did the right choice not to FIM them, I did it to mine and it kind of slow a bit the growth (you loose 2-3 days). But it is now anyway too late :P
I'm interested to see what your 150W can do :)
tell us about your yield at the end

I am a beginner too but if you veg for just 2 weeks I think you did the right choice not to FIM them, I did it to mine and it kind of slow a bit the growth (you loose 2-3 days). But it is now anyway too late :P
I'm interested to see what your 150W can do :)
tell us about your yield at the end

Hey thanks man. I'm updating once a week but I check up on the thread as much as I can. I'll definitely try to keep everything updated- I'm looking forward to see what happens.
So this is week 3 today- 2nd week of 12/12.

I just switched everything into my new grow box i just built- you guys should check it out! let me know what i can do to improve it :mrgreen:

temperatures are still around 76-78. but i leave the door open at night when the lights are on so i dont know what its really like when it's closed.

one plant is looking pretty good for the 3rd week, but 2 of them look like little runts... what should i do about them? just toss them?

let me know what you guys think :blsmoke:



New Member
I would definitly try to repot those it looks like they need it, kind of suprising your one was able to grow so big with so little soil, but this is what I see with my plant in peat cubes they will not grow very big and start drooping like yours untill I transplant them (rootbound)


Active Member
You should put some mylar up in your little grow box. Also your plant looks a little strectched, maybe move it a tiny bit closer. Definitely repot those bad boys, looking good tho im subd!! Do you mind throwing some pics of your exhaust and your odor control up? If your using either.


I had too a plant that staid small a lot longer than any other and in fact I am pretty sure it is because I was over watering it. Actually if you think about it, it is obvious that small ones need far less water and nutriment. Now she is still smaller but really dense so I am happy I kept it.
hey guys sorry classes have been killing me still.. july 9th ill be done with my class. ill be sure to post an update soon. one plant was male so i tossed him and 2 are confirmed females but one is growing REAL slow soooo i dont know... maybe you guys can help. ill keep you updated.