i think harvest time is nearing. on some of the older easyryders, most of the trichs have turned cloudy and the hairs are over half red. i have started flushing one to prep it for cutting in about a week. damn the yeild is pathetic for what i had hoped

hopefully the younger three wont disappoint me, they look much more promising.
this is my first time flushing/chopping so advice is needed please!
in other news, my roommates decided they needed to turn the heat on which made my box get too hot with the hps in it so i was forced to take it out. now i have 6 cfls and the 90watt led
here are some pics:
left 3 are at 5 weeks, closest one is haze and the rest are easyryders. right 3 are at 7 weeks and are all easyryders
easyryder at 7 weeks. looking close to done? im pretty sure the crispy edges are from high box temps and lack of water one weekend. i dont think its nute burn but opinions?
easyryder at 5 weeks on left, suprisingly bigger than the older ones (on right). i think thats b/c it vegged under led
haze freebie seed from Dinafem @ 5 weeks
the runt easyryder @ 7 weeks. trichs are over 2/3 cloudy and 2/3 of hairs are red. should i flush and chop?
easyryder @5weeks. the runt of the second batch.
let me know what you guys think!