First grow: 1 kahuna & 1 Juicy Fruit


Active Member
Sunday January 26 2008: I germinated the 2 seeds with the paper towel method.

Monday January 27 2008: Kahuna had cracked and root was poking out, nothing for the JF.

Tuesday January 28 2008: Kahuna had about 7 mm long root so i decided to plant. Now resides under a 42 watt cfl. JF... shell cracked and root is poking thru, but not long enough to plant.

Will have pics up when plants are worthy.

Wednesday January 30 2008: JF has grown to potting length so i planted her(hopefully) and put it under the lights. the kahuna hasnt come thru the soil yet but hopefully i'll see some results tomorrow

Any tips out there... im open to hear!


Well-Known Member
Very nice, I am growing some Juicy Fruit too, mines on day 40.

I am also using CFLs, and I suggest you get a few more, I thing 2 42 watts per plant when they get a bit bigger would be good, and you will probably need more later.

Are you flowering them with CFLs too?


Active Member
uummm no im not. im going to use philips agro-lites.
they are a type of hps...i think.. and they dont require a balast
they are only 150 watts a peice but they work well a friend of mine uses them and its going pretty well.


Active Member
It is now February 4th and i am Down to only the juicy fruit.
It has its first set of real leaves and a second is sprouting.

February 5th:
(Day 6)



Well-Known Member
Looks good bro, keep the light within an inch of the top (in a day or so). You want to keep her from stretching.

I strongly recommend planting a few more seeds , because if that seed is male, you'll be upset.

I hope the best for your girls.


Active Member
The light actaully is about 1.5 inches away so im good in that department

I have a few more seeds but i was planning on saving them. aA friend of mine has a plant that were are going to flower quite soon so if its female i am gonna snip off some clones