first gro. plz help me understand how to feed correctly!

Okay guys so i’m doing a soil grow in FFOF with 15% worm castings thrown in and about 15% perlite mixed in as well. i’m watering every 3 days , 1 liter of water for 3 gallon smart pot. 4 pots in a 4x4… I just put the seeds in the soil and watered for the first time yesterday.

So I heard with this soil mix I won’t need to feed nutes for the entire veg period .

besides this I have on hand, foliage pro , calmag, and also some stuff called monster bloom which is 0-50-30 .

so do i just water the plants and then when i switch them to flower I start using the monster bloom at like 1/3 strength every other week? and should I do cal mag with it at the same time 1/3 strength every other week? or am I off the mark.

sorry I need it broken down in an easy feed schedule type way that I can follow. I’m doing my best to understand everything .


Well-Known Member
Poor watering technique. Very poor. That size container should take 1/2-3/4 gallon of liquid without significant runoff.


Well-Known Member
it’s my first grow , what am I looking for exactly for signs i’m over/under watering? and what exact feeding schedule would you use for example if you would be so kind? what about the cal mag?
Learn to water by weight. Picking up the container. When watering give the amount necessary to reach the bottom of the container. If you need feeding then top dress with more OF.

@Budzbuddha can advise further


Well-Known Member
Just get periodic runoff readings and start feeding when ppms drop below a healthy amount for plants age. Those are large pots with little to no plants yet they shouldnt take but a shot glass or less at plants base. Early on water is small amounts often once your plant grows and develops a root system then you can start filling the whole pot. Probably running too much wattage too high away from plants for sprouts and early veg. If they haven't even sprouted should be misting not watering. Even the first week misting is sufficient then half shot glass then whole shot glass then quarter gallon so on and so forth until you're able to fill the pot. I'll increase water when I have to mist 3 times a day or I have to water a shot glass more than once a day. Starting in smaller starter pots help eliminate trouble with overwatering

