First Gorrilla Grow Journal 97 seeds

if they have seen your plants they would have chopped them already.
Its like if they get a warrant they will kick in your door right away. They dont wanna risk not getting the plants before you move them

agreed ;) if they know its you, you'd already be busted.

so just chill for a while and plan for a good time, even if its midnight. go next full moon
but shouldn't i go during the day with my dog and a fishing pole so if i do get spotted i could say i stumble across it. and just to make sure my babies are still their
ya bro your fine trust me been growig many years i highly doubt they saw them camp like i said is not even flying atm i personaly setup hunting cames on frequent trails entering my plot so i know this its part of being a guerilla grower.
ya bro your fine trust me been growig many years i highly doubt they saw them camp like i said is not even flying atm i personaly setup hunting cames on frequent trails entering my plot so i know this its part of being a guerilla grower.
the thing i dont understand why are they flying over my location so much in the past week ive seen more chopper activity then i seen all year. i know exactly from witch county the chopper comes from it has no reason to be out my way. i did all my homework and found out witch chopper they are using cuz they only a have a few and their painted different colors and i could positively identify 2 of them. worst case scenario they found my shit and ripped them out
u can use an emergency blanket then another blanket over that since its shinny lol but they reflect heat so they wont pick up ur heat sig
Fuck yeah no bitch ass shit let's see some pics na but on all seriousness watch those helicopters around where I am every summer in the paper you hear the cops found this patch of weed bout two years ago I seen a copter actually carrying the plants out the bad thing they watched the plants till they budded then ripped them out FUCKIN Po-po
aight ppl here are sum pic spot#1 is gud spot#2 is gud, I haven't check spot#3 yet i'll do that in a few weeks it just rain so they dont need water. but they badly need is neem oil their getting eaten alive and my ice is looking shity no new leaves and the deer keep eating it and it has on 1 leaf white powder what is It?


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Hey, Waldo!

They'll reveg.

The plant in the third pic will have the hardest time, based on its structure, But I see a new green leaf, so it is on its way.

On the other plants you can remove the terminal bud from each branch to encourage faster vegging.

Thanks for asking in my thread.

I lose track, otherwise.

The problem with learning all this stuff is, once you get older, you start forgetting it, even faster! (One reason I like helping folks. Their questions keep me sharp(er).
DON'T cut the leaves off!

Mix one teaspoon of baking soda in a quart spray bottle.

Spray all your plant's leaves to prevent powdery mildew.

It shifts the leave's surface pH enough to block reproduction of the fungus.

Repeat as needed, but I'd do another spraying in two weeks for insurance.

More is NOT better.
Depends on how much is affected. When I see it start I just pull them off. Obviously if it's covering your entire plant you shouldn't strip it. I have never used BS for PM but have heard it being used before.
yeah bakin soda will do the job but if its only affecting a few leaves pull them off first an then giv it a light spray with bs but dont go crazy with it as it can cause its own problems
its official i have lost 15 ladies, my 3rd spot was found and destroyed, i did find 1 surviving lady but im not going to seat here and cry about my lose. my freedom is not worth 100 plants i got lucky that day and theirs only 1 person to thank and that's god.