First good looking plant in a while. Increase yeild? (Advice & Help Please)


Alright so I cant hold out on you guys, I need to show the pictures from 1 day after ferts. The first 2 pictures are the nodes on my smaller plant that have double-tripled in growth over night after one use of the ferts and we had a great downpour of rain last night so they probably loved that too.
The third picture is just a branch of a bigger plant, its showing you how there is no little growth on the branches anymore, no matter where the leaves are they are trying to push themselves away from the stalk this is also just 1 day after ferts!

Here are the pics!


Oh they're getting quite bushy now, it's pretty crazy how fast its coming along and i still have tons of time ; i have a feeling this small plant is going to be a huge bush in no time, Ill be tieing it down in a week. Gotta get new batteries for my camera so i can take some pictures, its almost been a week since i started adding ferts so you guys will see the big difference.

I accidently over watered my one plant with food and some of the leaves started to turn purple but im flushing it and hopefully it will be good to go.

Ill be back in a few days with a update with lots of pictures.


lawls, got a few burnt/damaged leaves from over watering but shes fine nothing big. tied the other plant down finally have about foot long branches coming out. pics on friday/sat


Sorry Ive been trying to get its leaves back and nice but i guess ill just have to deal with some purple burnt leaves; pictures will be up within 3 days, im waiting for them to have lots of white hairs to take a picture; their starting to fill with white hairs right now! I can see where all the bud will be, my other smaller plant is about the same size as my main plant and holy are they ever looking nice!

sorry for being so late with pictures, ive been really busy with real life but lot of pics to come soon!


by the way, i guess since my main plant has been put back into veg this year and everything it didnt really expect food so it got burnt a bit, but now its starting to handle it fine and flower and do everything its supposed too


Time for a mobile phone picture update until I get around to getting some batteries for the high quality camera.
Alright guys bare with me I know they aren't the greatest quality but at least you have a update with visible plants right?

Overall view :)

Alright so lets get to buisness, we are starting our first week of flowering (you probably cant see from the pictures) and the nodes are just filling with white hairs. Im starting to get that early bud smell from the plants too, its quite pleasent when I go out to give them their water :)

This is my main plant so far, big and bushy, I've counted what looks to be about 6-8 tops where nice top colas will be forming, some great smoke for sure!
Pictures of the prodigy!:

This would be my second that I started; I topped it and amazingly got 6 full arm length branches instead of 4. I'm going to hit it up with the flowering ferts soon to get nice flowers on them.
Pictures of the babie:

I will get some batterys for my digital camera once the flowers are nice and juicy looking; as I said above I plan to give the bloom nuterience in about 4 days, since they've been flowering for 3-4 days. I want to give them at least a week to get into the flowering stage then give them food for blooming. I'm so happy they are flowering so fast already, I have a feeling I'm going to be getting think, dense buds this harvest :) Cant wait!

But farewell guys,
That is all for now I will bring more goodies in a week or so with some pure flowers :)

COMMENT AWAY; I don't really think you guys can give anymore suggestions, its just time to sit back and let her flower into the beauty she was ment to be.