@Paratwice Some people might argue the ec can't be lower coming out lol.
I've experienced low ec in the run off a number of times, in fact I'm dealing with it right now, 1.0 in 0.7 out for around a week so.
I've since given them a feed of 1.4ec and increased the ec to 1.2 but the ec is still coming out 0.2/3 points lower?
I've seen it enough times to know its not unusual, however I've never monitored it for the duration until now.
Are you dealing with low/lower temperatures by chance, the last two times its happened I've had less than ideal temps?
[/kind of crazy. Last night when I checked it out I was putting an 840 BPM‘s and getting back 520 lol! I bumped it up to 900 I and I split the two minute watering cycle into two one minute cycles and added a third one minute cycle because i think it was due. I’m interested to now to see what happens the pH is coming back the same which is nice. And I realize that none of this probably matters and if I never checked I’ve been on the wiser. Tinkering has gotten me into trouble in the past and but from the trouble I usually learn a thing or two. One of those things I learned it’s to stop tinkering LOL!