First frost

Mine are all droopy this morning, but they don't look dead. It went down to 28 last night.
You might lose the droopy leaves, but the buds and sugar leaves will be okay. Do you have any more frost on the near horizon?
I covered mine up they just look a little demented this morning but it's warm today... Looked like a badass fort
Yeah I had to pull mine Thursday morning it was my fourth frost of the year and the worst, had snow caps on my cola's haha. It didn't snow it was actually frost but holy fuck was I worried it would be frozen through to the stem. It was all good though I was able to blow on them and all the frost blew off and I could see the bud colors again. It's unreal I got it on cam my plants look all frosty and Icy/snow on the tops but no frost or snow on any other vegetation around my plants, you can see me blow off the ice/snow on video and the plant's look mint underneath LMAO. Anyway I'm in North Eastern Ontario, so it's getting down to -4 and -5 at night so I pulled them Thursday Oct 11 when I saw all the frost on the tips HAHA.