First evr grow - Indoor (Bagseed) 6 weeks


Well-Known Member
Heyy, just updating on the progress of my girl, yes a GIRL! woohoo

I've been on 12/12 for over a week now, but only just found out the sex 2 days ago!

She is doing great, she has grown so much taller now as you can see in the pics below, I will update use on the flowering progress all the way to harvest!



Well-Known Member
Heyy, just updating on the progress of my girl, yes a GIRL! woohoo

I've been on 12/12 for over a week now, but only just found out the sex 4 days ago!

She is doing great, she has grown so much taller now as you can see in the pics below, I will update use on the flowering progress all the way to harvest!
lols.. I can't wait to see the harvest. ;)

cute plant man.. hilarious setup.

Hey, if it works for ya.. then more power to ya.

You won't get the density without the intensity..



Well-Known Member
I had to take some lights out to take the pictures, i got four 24watts and 1 28watt on it, oh and that fluoro tube you see in there will count as 6 lights :p
It's only my first grow so i had to improvise with the grow box haha! im waiting on a grow tent ive ordered which ill use for next grow


Well-Known Member
looking good man you'll always have those light nazi's man i would'nt worry you're coming along good seems like and you'll end up with some descent smoke if your luck continues so for 1st attempt a woudnt add anything just finish this one out then you'll be able to decide for yourself if you want more light/yeild sometimes its good to crawl b4 you walk


Well-Known Member
thnx mike +rep for being helpful! ive definitely been crawling through this one lol, im happy with the results ive gotten so far especially for my first time, just want to hurry and finish this one, it's got atleast another 8-10 weeks of flowering to go, ill post more pics when buds are starting to fatten up :D


Well-Known Member
Thought i'd do an update on this grow, its currently 3 weeks into flowering and its tripled in size since i put it to 12/12, i can tell its sativa dominant because its growing real tall but also it has thin leaves and alot of spacing between nodes, ive got an indica which has just sprouted so its gonna be good to compare the both, let me know what you think and if the progress is good for 3 weeks flower, im using 4-23watt and 1-28watt CFLs....
Im hoping to finish this off in 8 weeks, which would be 11 weeks total flowering time



so u waited 8 weeks till u flipped to 12/12 then are gunna flower for 11 weeks? I think im confused on something that seems like a really long time.
Just a couple questions on your setup cus im planning on doing something similiar. Are you watering with tap water? what nutes/ soil did u start with? are u using a fan? and how tall was that box you built. It seems ur plant is getting tall which is great but i hope to keep mine little smaller.


Well-Known Member
yeh i vegged it for like 7-8 weeks and then switched to 12/12, if i was to start over i probably would have vegged for a shorter time because sativas grows like crazy in flowering,

sativas usually take long for the buds to fully mature so 11 weeks flowering sounds about right to me, when i started this grow i did not add any nutes until about a month later then i started adding miracle grow maxfeed, but after using it twice i ditched it and went for the charlie carp liquid fertilizer which was much better, but im going to finish this one off without any bloom nutes and just let her do her thing, but for my next grow ill be using more nutes, I just use normal tap water but when i get a chance i water with rain water whenever its filled up, where i am the weather is still cold so i do not need a fan plus the room gets alot of air circulation already, the temp is constant 65-75F

I cant tell how big the box is i dont have a measuring tape at hand, but yeh its definitely almost overgrown it, thankfully after this grow is done that box is fucking off lol, if you wonna keep yours short veg for shorter or do some LST, i think ill be doing LST the next time around to make more use of my space, thanks for dropping in :D


Well-Known Member
that bud in the 2nd last pic is so white and hairy lol
but im loving the smell, its got like a fruity aroma to it :weed: