First ever wardrobe grow.

So, a long overdue update is at hand. The last grow didn't turn out to be successful at all. I've taken notes so if I ever try germinating with rockwool again, I'll be ready. I started over using the same strain (won't be giving up on it) and made quite a few changes to me setup.

The bin I bought from Ikea came with this lid that in the center wasn't entirely flat. That didn't allow me to fit the netpot snug in the hole and caused a lot of light leaks. I had to tape mylar all over the lid, but that started to really annoy me (and my eyes). I hated cutting corners so I just ordered the biggest netpot I could find online in Poland and after a lot of cutting and sweating (I had no idea plastic from Ikea was THAT durable) I managed to make a perfect 15cm wide hole. The new netpot, while bigger, fits snugly in and the best part is that no light is present in the reservoir.

I also got a some expanded clay pellets from aqua canna as I didn't want to trust those previous gardening store bought ones.

Lastly I was fed up of having to remove the tubing through the holes I drilled in the reservoir, making everything wet around me and having to re-weave the tubing back after I was done with cleaning. So I bought these handy little hose connectors and after a bit of measuring and cutting I now have a much more enjoyable time dismantling the whole setup when I need to clean out the res.

Of course I forgot to mention the seed. As mentioned before I order the same strain and also got a good idea of buying starter plugs. I've read a lot of good about them, so I decided to give them a try. I popped the seed in, placed the moistened plug into a fish tank, covered with cling-film and placed the whole "propagator" on my heated bathroom floor. Keeps the temperature inside the tank at a steady 27C/80F. I hope that this time everything will go well, because apparently you can't go wrong with these rapid rooter plugs.
It's been two days since so I REALLY hope that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I'll wake up to a nice surprise.

Fingers crossed for this times approach, I really want to try some hydroponics. :D
P.S. sorry for the long absence.
Thanks for the update!
Your seedling setup sounds good -- hope she comes up well!
Also, the Goddess Kali is looking very pretty there -- how long has she got to go?
Thanks calliandra, the Goddess has about a couple or so weeks to go. I'm not doing any flushing on this run, just to see if there is a difference in bud size and of course taste. I'll take a few close up pictures soon, but she's coming along nicely. The smell is very strong and I can't wait until I chop. Of course I did pluck a few miniature buds here and there just for a little degustation. :D
Just wanted too see if these secret garden grows are any good and how much they hide away smells noise etc? Someone shed some light on this please cheers
Just wanted too see if these secret garden grows are any good and how much they hide away smells noise etc? Someone shed some light on this please cheers
It really depends on what kind of equipment you buy. For example, my little fan makes a shit ton of noise, I can hear it when I enter the grow room. You can make some kind of box to go around the fan, that would likely trap some noise in. On RIU there's a noise control thread. So you would just have to do a bit of research and check out the fans that make the least noise. Best bet would be to buy a good fan and get a speed controller, that way you can regulate the speed and thus the noise.

As for the smell, I have never used a carbon filter in my life (because my grow room really seals the smell in) plus I only grow one plant at a time, not monsters mind you. There's either little to no smell until I open the cab and stick my head in. BUT carbon filters are the shit, if you do everything properly as in calculate the CFM ratings, create negative pressure and air tight your grow cab/tent then no smell will be noticable.
It really depends on what kind of equipment you buy. For example, my little fan makes a shit ton of noise, I can hear it when I enter the grow room. You can make some kind of box to go around the fan, that would likely trap some noise in. On RIU there's a noise control thread. So you would just have to do a bit of research and check out the fans that make the least noise. Best bet would be to buy a good fan and get a speed controller, that way you can regulate the speed and thus the noise.

As for the smell, I have never used a carbon filter in my life (because my grow room really seals the smell in) plus I only grow one plant at a time, not monsters mind you. There's either little to no smell until I open the cab and stick my head in. BUT carbon filters are the shit, if you do everything properly as in calculate the CFM ratings, create negative pressure and air tight your grow cab/tent then no smell will be noticable.
Big help cheers
Bit of a setback, but I'll give some info on what's happening.

After 5 days of not germinating I got mad and pulled the seed out of the Easy Plug. Not even the slightest crack was on the seed, it's like nothing happened! "Five days wasted" I thought to myself, "that's fucking it, I'm getting new seeds", and so I did. They'll be probably in a few days, post in Poland is pathetically slow at deliveries. ;_;

Anyway, I took the old seed and read somewere that you can cut of the flat tip (some sort of scarification), because apparently it's just empty space between that part of the hull and the embyro and the cutting can aid water contact with the yet to be born seedling.
Problem was I didn't read how much to cut off, so I hacked away at at least 1/5 of the seed. I even cut the embyro and root in the process! I was devastated but thought to myself I'll have new seeds soon so what the heck. I put the seed in between the good old paper towels and two days later the root started growing! Bloody amazing, I wasn't expecting it to live on let alone grow! Looks like we are back in buisness.

The root and the embyro have a straight cut to them, so I don't know what to expect when the leaves show, but I put the seed into a new Eazy Plug and now I'm just going to wait and see.

I don't mind destroying seeds actually, lots of new experience and I'll see whether such devastating damage will affect the growth.

I'm also starting a DWC Basil grow and cilantro soil grow in me ol' PC box, I'll send some pictures later on the setup. As of now, there are three seeds in each of three rockwool, and I'll see what happens.
Bit of a setback, but I'll give some info on what's happening.

After 5 days of not germinating I got mad and pulled the seed out of the Easy Plug. Not even the slightest crack was on the seed, it's like nothing happened! "Five days wasted" I thought to myself, "that's fucking it, I'm getting new seeds", and so I did. They'll be probably in a few days, post in Poland is pathetically slow at deliveries. ;_;

Anyway, I took the old seed and read somewere that you can cut of the flat tip (some sort of scarification), because apparently it's just empty space between that part of the hull and the embyro and the cutting can aid water contact with the yet to be born seedling.
Problem was I didn't read how much to cut off, so I hacked away at at least 1/5 of the seed. I even cut the embyro and root in the process! I was devastated but thought to myself I'll have new seeds soon so what the heck. I put the seed in between the good old paper towels and two days later the root started growing! Bloody amazing, I wasn't expecting it to live on let alone grow! Looks like we are back in buisness.

The root and the embyro have a straight cut to them, so I don't know what to expect when the leaves show, but I put the seed into a new Eazy Plug and now I'm just going to wait and see.

I don't mind destroying seeds actually, lots of new experience and I'll see whether such devastating damage will affect the growth.

I'm also starting a DWC Basil grow and cilantro soil grow in me ol' PC box, I'll send some pictures later on the setup. As of now, there are three seeds in each of three rockwool, and I'll see what happens.
Wow yes, you DO get creative in your seemlingly unending germination drama! Very exciting in a micro way :bigjoint:
That said, probably also a good call to get fresh seeds haha!
Also looking forward to how your herbs come along - I just spent half the afternoon browsing "regular gardening" vids on youtube re indoor growing, and yeah, if you can grow weed, you can do the others too lol
Fingers crossed for your baby phases!!
Haha that's the best part about growing weed, all that knowledge can be transffered onto other plants. :D Plus, it will also be a learning process. I would prefer to lose basil plants over marijuana plants anyday. :D

Thanks Calliandra, I'll do my best not to mess with the seeds anymore, I'll just stick with my favourtie paper towel method. Easy, simple and if it ain't broke... :D
And if both seeds germinate then I'll have to strains to deal with, fantastic.

Also this time I'll do my very best to try and keep the enviroment at the optimum levels.

I'll be sending pictures soon, but as of now I'll be gleefully hacking away at my beloved plant. One of the best moments of a grow is this period.
My Fav time of the grow is right after all the trimming is done, the mess is swept up, and the buds are hanging on the dry rack, thats when I sit back and let out a heavy sigh and Thank Goodness its over, something about growing even when its running on auto pilot with the timers all set right and water schedules dialed in,, blah blah, there is this sense of it always on my mind,, maybe some people like that sensation for me its not complete rest. until its hanging on the drying rack,
sorry If I got a little deep there, but I am with you,, you made it, We made it thru another grow!!! I celebrate with you my friend!!!
Wow, I had a lot of fun trimming my babies. I put a cushion on my chair, found some old school hip hop (Big L, check him out) and was generally overjoyed throughout the whole process, even though it took about an hour and a half.

So this looong grow has finally come to an end and I feel euphoric, because it's my first actual "proper" indoor grow under HID lights. I have so much to learn and many years of experience to harness and on the next runs I do hope I'll finally be able to produce some FAT buds.

I want to thank everyone who has been with me through this long and sometimes hopeless journey, you rock! :D

As of now I'll be drying them and hopefully in four days they'll be ready for curing. I know that a slow approach is best, but knowing my enviroment in the house, four days seems long. :D


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And some more goodies. Happy growing!


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Thanks for pulling up. :D You know, the problem in Poland is that no one knows what mylar is, and I don't have the luxary of going to my nearby store and buying it myself (seriously I envy you guys so much for Walmart). Mylar is only available on online shops dedicated to growing "plants", but everyone knows they sell specialized items for growing cannabis. So by purchasing items online I have to pay for the shipping as well, so everything comes down to being more expensive than it actually should be.

But you had a good idea with those balloons, nice one. I'm sure it's going to work out, keep us posted. :D