First ever seedling. What's my status?


Well-Known Member
Well, I made the same mistake of going direct to FFOF. We're one month in from wetting down the two seeds, and about three weeks from sticking them in FFOF. One plant is just showing it's 5th node, the other is one node behind. We must be past the most dangerous time. You have to weigh the certain disruption of transplanting vs. the danger of leaving things as they are. Based on our experience, I'd go with leaving things alone.

It's hard to make a blanket recommendation because there are so many different strains...

Oh, hey, you mentioned pH. Our well water is 8.4 or thereabouts. Instead of soaking the seeds in RO water like many people suggest, we just used our well water and I think that was a mistake.

You'll read lots of people saying pH doesn't matter in soil but I don't subscribe to that belief. We're using commercial pH down products to arrive at 6.0 to 6.5. We have an electronic meter that cost about $80 or so. Of course you need to have some buffer solution on hand to calibrate to at least one point. I think one-point cal is plenty good for growing.


Well-Known Member
My wife and I studied your latest picture. I think the color is off, making it look too green. And you're right, I missed the part about using Light Warrior instead of Ocean Forest.

Our combined newbie opinion is that you should ride it out.