First Ever Grow

id say cruzer is right on the money as usual, the trichomes should b cloudy when observed under a magnifying glass. another way to tell when to harvest that alot of folk do is to simply wait till 75% of the pistils have turned red. it will realy test ur patience when drying and curing tho mate, id say thats when most folk become impatient but it wil be worth the wait. your doing v well bro, 1st time grower or otherwise. fair play 2 u sir!!!


Active Member
id say cruzer is right on the money as usual, the trichomes should b cloudy when observed under a magnifying glass. another way to tell when to harvest that alot of folk do is to simply wait till 75% of the pistils have turned red. it will realy test ur patience when drying and curing tho mate, id say thats when most folk become impatient but it wil be worth the wait. your doing v well bro, 1st time grower or otherwise. fair play 2 u sir!!!
thanks a lot dude


Active Member
I never used any except miracle gro pottin compost........then took a brainstorm and ordered some Advanced Nutrients bloom formula which on cruzers advice i started at about a quarter of the reccomended strenth and now on about half strength......reason being the bloom formula i got is meant to be part of a 3 part feed......i neglected to read this b4 buying but it seems to be doing it's thing just fine! I honestly don't think i really needed any nutes i just had spare cash for a change!
lookin good mate, if u keep geting nute burn id probly drop it back down to just over 1/4 strength just to be on the safe side. how many weeks u in2 flower now?


Active Member
if u keep geting nute burn id probly drop it back down to just over 1/4 strength just to be on the safe side.
Dont think it's nute burn as all the lower leaves are still fine with no spotting or curling or any symptoms i can see. It's my cheap as bulbs that aren't spirals that i'm having trouble positioning thats the problem.......won't be an issue with the next grow as next payday i'll be buying spiral 42's to dot abot the lower parts. Next one will be two plants wich are vegging now......again strain unknown so that'll be interesting. After that i'm gonn a do a 2 plant widow grow as a very generous friend donated two femmed seeds,i just wanna get another grow under my belt b4 i use them. Thanks again for droppin by dude. Got myself an eighth of my towns best homegrown.....Psychosis..... so i'm away to get busy smokin that....catch ya later!:joint::joint::joint:
looks like u got some nice plans 4 the future. widow is a really nice strain in my opinion. my areas been kinda shite 4 good bud for the past few weeks(only fluffy lemon and no variety) but lukily just managed to get 4g ov sum nice blueberry. have a good smoke mate. peace


Active Member
Ah man not had blueberry for literally years......used to love the high off that shit! This stuff i have is a strictly between friends thing but the guy couldn't afford his usual share so i got lucky and got the dregs.........Me and the missus were actually in tears at one point.....not had a buzz like that for ages,sheer uncontrollable laughter and i'm by no means a light weight wen it comes to smokin! What a hoot!


Active Member
Lookin at the trichromes ,very soon.........week to ten days i'd say might leave it a few days longer. Got a quick question.....i just bought a 400watt dual spectrum hps bulb for the 2 babies waitin to go in to flower......will my cfl reflector for my 300 w cfl be ok to use or do i need venting and air cooling....Heat shouldn't be an issue in the flower room as i hav 3 industrial size oscilating fans but was a tad concerned about blowing the bulb. Any ideas killoff? Cruzer? Anyone?
idealy id go with an air cooled hood or a cool tube with an extracor fan pulling air thru the reflector and venting it outside the grow room this way u dont get heat building up around the bulb and collecting in ur space. alternatively u could go with a budget euro wing reflector and position 1 ov the big fans so its blowing on the bulb to help reduce temps a bit. but id go with the 1st option if funds allow. what ballast u gone 4?(i.e. magnetic or digital)


Active Member
what ballast u gone 4?(i.e. magnetic or digital)
none as of yet i meant to ask what a ballast was and if i need one. What do they do? My reflector has a built in ballast will that work man?
a ballast regulates the current to the lamps and provides sufficient voltage to start the lamps. Without a ballast to limit its current, a lamp connected directly to a high voltage power source would rapidly and uncontrollably increase its current draw. very quickly the lamp would overheat and burn out. During lamp starting, the ballast must briefly supply high voltage to establish an arc between the two lamp electrodes. Once the arc is established, the ballast quickly reduces the voltage and regulates the electric current to produce a steady light output. you will need a 400w ballast, there are 2 types, magnetic and digital. digitals are more expensive but run cooler and are more efficient with your electric,hence in the long run will save your hard earned cash. id go 4 a 400w dimable digital lumatek ballast if funds allow. however a magnetic ballast works just aswell and the heat output wouldnt be an issue if u mount the ballast outside ur grow space. cheapest place ive seen both the magnetic and the digital ballasts is ebay. u can get a magnetic 400w ballast for around £50 and a digital for around £100. hope this helps u mate. best wishes. peace.


Active Member
a ballast regulates the current to the lamps and provides sufficient voltage to start the lamps. Without a ballast to limit its current, a lamp connected directly to a high voltage power source would rapidly and uncontrollably increase its current draw. very quickly the lamp would overheat and burn out. During lamp starting, the ballast must briefly supply high voltage to establish an arc between the two lamp electrodes. Once the arc is established, the ballast quickly reduces the voltage and regulates the electric current to produce a steady light output. you will need a 400w ballast, there are 2 types, magnetic and digital. digitals are more expensive but run cooler and are more efficient with your electric,hence in the long run will save your hard earned cash. id go 4 a 400w dimable digital lumatek ballast if funds allow. however a magnetic ballast works just aswell and the heat output wouldnt be an issue if u mount the ballast outside ur grow space. cheapest place ive seen both the magnetic and the digital ballasts is ebay. u can get a magnetic 400w ballast for around £50 and a digital for around £100. hope this helps u mate. best wishes. peace.
cheers exremely much man!
no wurries mate.......the reason i suggest the dimable 1 is that it enables u to also run it at 250w with the same bulb, which would be handy for seedlings/young plants when in early veg as youd be able to keep the light a bit closer without burning them wich and would help prevent stretching. peace


Active Member
Cheers for the advice dude, i prob woulda whacked the bulb into my reflector with magnetic ballast and blew the whole unit........i've been offerd a shot of a 600 watter for a trial run so the ones vegging with cfls will be rady to go under the 600! i PM'd cruzer with many many questions.......he might be a while replying........ hehe! Always feel free to drop by your advice is always sound!