First EVER Grow.Pics


Active Member
ok, here we go. i have always wanted to do this and when my fish die, i turned that tank into my first grow box.
Grow Box:
I got one GLO-LIGHT, that came with the tank(i thinks it like 40watts) then i got a 25" fluorecent light(34watts), and also a 60watt regular white house light in the middle. I bought some miracle grow organic blend for like tomatos and herbs and shit. Its a .10-.05-.10 blend. I tinfoiled the whole tank, and use a 6" fan for ventalation.
I got some 1 day old clones. I once had them in some small cups, not the best idea, because i overwatered them :( I have had them for 4 days now and they seem to be coming back :) They just got transplanted into the soil today. I now only feed them once every other day with pure spring water(6.4ph). Thet get 18/6 of light and fan. The mix between the light and the fan makes a great tempature at 72. Also i spay water onto the leaves just before i turn off my lights since tha are such young clones. Be nice, i know they are not the best looking plants but they are my first babies and they had a few rough days.
I am going to get 4 more plants to put into the front row of the tank. I want to get another 25"flourecent light for the other side of the grow box. hoping to let all the plants get to around 1 foot before i move them to 12/12 for light. I am hoping to get like 2oz or so. What do you guy think and any suggestions i will be very thankful.:blsmoke::peace::blsmoke::peace::blsmoke::peace::blsmoke::peace:



Active Member
oh, also does anyone know, if carbenated water would be enough co2, if a sprayed it once a day onto the leaves?


Well-Known Member
No need for co2 unless your growing on large scale 100 plus plants 4 plants will do just fine with whats in the air already i have been growin for years so i have experimented alot no change in potency with co2 really all it does is fatten the buds a little. You can get the same effect with mollasses in your water.


Well-Known Member
Goto the camping section and by some emergency blankets. They are only like $1.96 for a big ass sheet of it and you can use that to reflect the light off the walls without burning your plants.


Active Member
thanks i will try to get some of that????do u know how i can conrtal thier growth.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it all depends on how you position the lights, If you place the lights 5 or 6 inches above the plant then it will grow up towards the light. If you position the light around the sides of the plant it will reach outwards to get the light.


Well-Known Member
Are those clones rooted yet or no? You are overwatering them and that may be why they look so droopy and sickly.

Put drain holes in those cups if they don't have any and only water when they're dry, not every other day or whatever.

They will die if you continue to drown them.


Well-Known Member
You should be using panda film bro! Your plants are looking a bit droopy, there must be something your doing wrong? I'm certainly not an expert but they just don't look like they're growing too well? I may be wrong.


Active Member
ok, i must be still over watering....i hate being a newb, wat is a good watering schedule for the plants?

the mechanic

Active Member
great way to learn. i suggest that you buy a 1000watt hps/mh, the light from this will make a huge difference. and if your already willing to grow indoors why not donate a closet to the hobby.enough space and the right amount of light and tlc and you will be able to grow the plants hat your dreaming of. good luck


Well-Known Member
the easiest way to water is to put your finger into the soil, if it feels dry water your plant. I water mines almost once every 2 days sometimes sooner depending on how hot it gets... good luck!