First ever grow, grow journal.

Well Brother the time has finally come eh?
Looks great my man, looks great.
Enjoy it after what you have gone thru you deserve it.
Sorry to hear about your job falling thru, but remember,
You only lose something you want, to make room for something better.
I really believe that myself.
Great job on the grow TGP
:joint: puff puff,...passes...
Hey What's UP????,,,,,,,,,Say Bro, Keep Your Head Up,This Sound's Like A Good Thing To Me, Ya, You Had Some Near Mis'es, But Came Out Ahead, & Will Be Back On Your Feet In No-Time,,,,,,,,Good Thing Lie In Your Future, You'll See!!!!!!!!,,,,,,Best Of Luck!!,,Later, HATCH:peace::mrgreen::blsmoke::joint::hump::blsmoke::mrgreen::peace:
DWR: oh it is :D

Alto: Thanks man, its not as much as it could be, and could be much denser (using HPS) but im happy with it. I wired up a small shitty cpu fan to my dry box yesterday, hopefully that'll speed the drying process up a bit. Yeah thanks man, something better will come long hopefully :) The good thing about not going to London is that the apartment i nearly signed the tenancy for was practical for growing :P

Hatch: Yeah i havent been on here much the last few days so i apologize, just been trying to sort my other options out! Im sure something will come out of this, just hopefully its sooner than later! Puff Puff Pass>>>>
Hey TGP it looks like you got yourself some nice and tasty smoke my friend.
Yeah the fan in the dry box will help, it seems to work better for me.
As for the job, tough break man, but remember that the big guy upstairs doesn't always give us what we want but he gives us what we need. Good Luck and remember the definition of Luck = Laboring Under Correct Knowledge.:peace:
Enkilot: Cheers :D I cant wait to tell you how she smokes!

BigGuy: Yeah could be denser but it sure smells and looks good. The fan did the trick as its in jars now :) Ha, ive never heard that before! Thanks man, really appreciate the support! Puff Puff Pass>>>

Hey guys i just want to apologize at what a poor job i have been doing at keeping you guys up to date :( Im sure if you read my last rant you can imagine why this is. I have been spending everyday trying to get my life back on track and its becoming alot harder than i imagined... My first crop is in a jar as of today. Hopefully it'll start getting more potent now. Havent sampled it yet. Its starting to smell now though its an odd smell different to before...

I havent cut the other girl yet, i really dont think she'l yield Loads but time will tell. Dry weight of the first girl was ok, it may still change but we'll see.. It is currently 18.4g. My next grow will definitely yield more than that lol I'll give you guys a smoke report when i get back from the festival this Sunday.

Thanks again for your patience! I really need to get my ass into gear on here !
Man I'm sorry to hear about your trouble I hope your plant smokes like a monster so atleast you can get fried for a bit an forget about it, But I've never seen a plant curve like yours did. Good grow bro.:joint::mrgreen:
looselikeanoose: No worries man i hope she does too! First sample of it tomorrow :D I tell you what, she stinks now that shes been in a jar. Almost like cheese haha ive been checking for mold etc and theres none so its doing really well. I crave the smell now its weird, i love opening the jar and taking a whiff haha Like i said its really strong skunky/ cheese smell with a berry undertone. If flavour is anything like it was with my sample i had two weeks ago then its going to be fantastic :D

BigGuy: Ive been trying to comment in your thread but it wont let me for some reason, says something to do with security :S So heres my comment lol :

Hey man thats great news! Glad its helping out with the pain! Looks like the curing did the trick! Your going to have a load of great smoke at the end of this grow! Keep up the good work, the other girls look fantastic!

Not too bad man, just constantly having to get organized for my next career shift, which is why i havent been on here much with pictures etc. I think my cams acting up on me though, even with a full charge it wont last longer than 2 mins :S You alright??

As far as Jane is concerned i think she still has another week or two in her. Its nearly been eleven and a half weeks lol I could chop her now but theres still hardly any amber trichs.. Im not worried Mary should keep me going for now :)
Smoke Report - Mary (Cut earlier than Jane)

Oh my god.. I completely under estimated this girl. I thought as i cut it a bit earlier than i could have it wouldnt be that potent. So i tried it in a doob and finished it between two. Flavour is out of this world. Fantastic, curing really did the trick. Not harsh at all, a very fruity flavour, i wouldnt straight up say strawberries but it definitely is a fruity flavour to it. Anyway the high was fantastic starts off as a cerebral high, really energetic and then it takes hold of your body. As i said i underestimated it with my first joint and put a large amount in. I was couch locked hardcore i couldnt move lol. Havent experienced that since white widow in Amsterdam. Anyway Needless to say i was smoking it all weekend and got it perfect. Like i said, perfect cerebral head high then its followed by a good stone (Which can be a couch lock if you continue lol) Overall im overly happy with this. Yield could have been much better but the quality of smoke was excellent.

Sorry if none of that makes sense, im fucked at the moment. Not stoned or drunk just exhausted im getting too old for festivals lmao Cant believe how tired i am i can barely move. Hope everyone hada good weekend!


Hi GigglePimp, how's things? That smoke sounds awesome mate, well worth all your efforts. It must be really satisfying to end up with such high quality bud that you grew yourself - I hope mine comes out even half as good, if it comes out at all :) You've done a great job on this grow. As you said with all the knowledge you've gained your next grow is going to be something else. Any plans yet? Any luck with the job hunting? Speak soon .....
Alright man, things have been better.... I keep telling myself the collapse of my job was for a good reason, but im yet to see it. Struggling to get anything together at the moment and not for lack of effort. Anyway... Thanks for the kind words mate! Wish i could share my efforts lol Im going to Harvest Jane in the next couple of days i think. Still have about 10g left of Mary which isnt loads but considering the stress ive been through.. lol

I'd like to say that i have plans for my next grow. I love having weed on tap haha but as i dont know what im doing next year at all yet its impossible to make judgement. If im still living here then yes i will grow again. But hopefully i'll be moving somewhere else, and then it'l be down to my accommodation. Sorry i havent been keeping up to date on your threads man i will when everythings back on track!!
I keep telling myself the collapse of my job was for a good reason, but im yet to see it.

Hi GigglePimp ... Listen man, think what might have happened if you'd signed that lease and THEN found out the firm went bust. Or what if it had happened a few months down the line, maybe after you'd got settled into your new place, bought all sorts of crap you didn't need, got a nice grow going and all that. If you look at it that way then I think you did pretty well and have already reaped the benefits from that job falling through when it did. Nevertheless I know something good will turn up for you, so keep your chin up mate. Sorry GP I'm not preaching, even if it sounds like it ... just trying to give you a different perspective.

Hey I'm in total shit at the moment myself - I'm in between having to leave my job due to ill health and getting DLA (I hope), so at the moment me, the wife and the kids are trying to live on about £6 a day. We have no heating oil or hot water except for the shower, the rates (like council tax), electricity and phone bills haven't been paid, VISA have shut me down and it won't be long until I end up in court by all accounts. If I'm turned down for DLA, or don't get a decision soon, I'm TOTALLY F**KED. And to make matters worse I can't even afford to buy some weed :cry: But hey, I'm learning from it. Like how to budget for example (never done it hehe) and how to really appreciate the little things I always took for granted. Maybe if I'd lived my life a little differently I wouldn't be in the mess I'm in now. Damn, I KNEW I should just have been a hippy all along ... LOL!!! Keep your pecker up mate - trust me, one day soon you're going to look back and realise this was for the best.
Cheetah: Up and down mate, yourself?

GB: I know your not preaching mate, thanks mate i really appreciate it! It gets hard to keep chin up when you keep getting kicked down but it will eventually result in something good. I applied for another job and was awaiting acceptance for the last week and a half only to hear last night that That companies gone bust an all now... WTF is wrong with me?! Anyway im harvesting Jane today so that'l cheer me up a bit i guess, though i think shes going to have a really poor yield...

Im really sorry to hear about all your problems man i can only give you the same advice you gave me :( I wish i could send some of my grow your way, id just be worried itd end you in the shit by being found out or something. As you know my luck isnt at its best at the moment :( As you say your now learning to budget which is a great skill (Something im shite at) after this all passes by your quality of life will be much improved simply because you can manage cash a bit better (ie having more left over for green :P) I hope you have a good weekend fella, and good luck for the next few weeks!!
Hi gigglepimp, shit you're not having much luck mate, sorry to hear about this latest job falling through as well. There's nothing wrong with YOU man, it's this f**cked up country we're living in that's the problem. It couldn't be a worse time to be looking for a job or be out of work etc. But it will work out for you man, don't worry about it. There's a lot of people a lot worse off than you and me.

Thanks for the encouragement mate, I'm fine - it's the kids I feel sorry for, they're not having much of a summer holiday. But they're learning from all this too - at least they won't grow up thinking life's a ball with everything justed handed to them on a plate every time they stick their hand out, which is what they've thought up until now. But fair play to them, they haven't complained and are just making the best of it.

We'll all get through these times of trouble gigglepimp, so don't despair. Catch you later man and enjoy your weekend. And have a look at my journal, it might cheer you up a bit LOL. I've brought my Cinnamons and Purple Power plants all under the one thread now so it'll be easier for everyone (especially me). Do it soon though - if the weather doesn't improve you might find yourself looking at a picture of my back garden with nothing in it LOLOL.