First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided

I said that I DO have a fan in there. Just the fan and the open mesh so that the fan is blowing the air across the plants and through the mesh, out of the tent.
I need to get a ph meter and extra bubblers for sure. But for now I just raised the lights up a bit and I have cut back enormously on watering. Though I keep the rockwool moist. I have AC, and my house doesn't get that warm at all. My room with the lights and everything feels warmer though. Not too too bad, but definitely noticeable. It is probably about 20 degrees in here on average?


Well-Known Member
You should check your pH because this seems like a pH problem, did you use any nutrients yet because they look like the lack N.

Added the nutes, and I am getting bubblers and a PH kit within the next couple of days. SO I hope that they will be alright for now.


Well-Known Member
Added the nutes, and I am getting bubblers and a PH kit within the next couple of days. SO I hope that they will be alright for now.
Nice, make sure to check them within 24 hours or so to make sure your not burning the hell out of them. When the pH kit comes check your pH right away, you will be looking for a pH of 5.6 - 6.3.

I only put in about a quarter of the recommended serving. Just because I wanted to test the waters with them first. xD So if they seem to be doing good, at the next reservoir change I may put the rest of the 3/4 of the pack in.
Ugh! I don't think nutes were a good idea. Well... I don't KNOW for sure. The tops look perkier and better, but the bottoms look like SHIT. xD The afgan's bottom leaves are wilting now. So I don't know if I should do a full reservoir change and take out the nutes or what... Here are pics:

Afghan to Blackberry


Well-Known Member
It is ok if the bottom leaves do not look good as long as the new growth is coming in green and not wilted unfortunately you cannot fix the damage that has all ready been only, how do the roots look? They should be nice and white.

PH was off the charts! I am trying to bring it down. After I put the PH down solution, should it immediately change? AKA: If I put the solution in and then re-test should I see an instant change or do I have to wait for a change?


Well-Known Member
Wait a few minutes but you should see a change very quickly, try not to go so low that you have to buffer it back up.

I tried a lot of PH Down stuff and it wasn't changing a thing, so I opted for a reservoir change (because the PH must have been insane) and I used filtered water that came out just right on the PH scale. :) So after this change of reservoir I will add the nutes and see if they work alright with the plants.


Well-Known Member
Dude dont add nutrients or if you do like i will help you with a good start dosage but they are hella stressed right now if anything i would take them out and put them in soil right now a light soil like Fox Farm Happy Frog get yourself a Fox Farm Trio and do this run in soil till you figure out your hydro shit but thats just me. Now if you want to continue Hydro go find another EXACT tub so you can have two of the SAME. Now you have a tub to fuck around with nutrient and getting your PH right with them and run STRAIGHT water that you've let sit for 24 hours and then have checked and or fixed the PH of. If the roots are dropped on one then lower your water level to where some are exposed to air but make sure your air stones are misting the net pot and roots. Wait a few days and then when you have the nutrient mix stable or figure it out then switch the tubs clean the one with straight water and now you have a tube that you can clean and switch every time and when you do your first feeding after the fresh water make sure its 25% of the suggested dosage and you will have to calculate it by whatever your gallons are but make sure you start real light. If they seem to like it the next feeding add more and so on DO NOT START HEAVY. Lights at 6-10 inches until 3 or 4th node or set of leafs then lower a couple inches every couple of days until 2-5 inches you would benefit by putting one of the lights directly over each plant and then one on each side of the tub facing in to kinda trap more light in with the reflectors also you will need more air moving through there just make sure its not hot to your hand but i would wait a week or two before doing so. So straight water and raise the lights for a few days see if there is any change if there is i would add the light nutrients leaving the lights the same then when they perk up lower the lights a inch or so a week or every few days then add the two to the side. Also you can use eyelet screws for lst work to get then where you want them .
I replaced the water today with water filtered through a water filtration system, and then added a light 25% dose of the nutes, the PH read just fine when the nutes went in, so the water seemed good. I added 3 more bubble stones, and the water is like you said "looking like a cauldron" hahaha. I will keep the lights up and see if there is any change by tomorrow evening.
I am thinking these plants may be pooched though. I may have to start back at square one. But let us all hope and pray for these young little bastards to survive. xD hahaha.


Well-Known Member
I replaced the water today with water filtered through a water filtration system, and then added a light 25% dose of the nutes, the PH read just fine when the nutes went in, so the water seemed good. I added 3 more bubble stones, and the water is like you said "looking like a cauldron" hahaha. I will keep the lights up and see if there is any change by tomorrow evening.
I am thinking these plants may be pooched though. I may have to start back at square one. But let us all hope and pray for these young little bastards to survive. xD hahaha.
Do not give up on them just yet I have had seedlings and clones that looked awful and they came back very strong, and I would not take them out of and put them in soil (that will stress them to the max).

There is a lot of good info in this thread but I think you just need to let the seedlings stay in the new reservoir water and let them be, maybe for a week or so just let nature take it's course and I am sure they will survive. If you take a look at my early posts in my thread you will see I moved them from water to soil back to water and they did not do well with the multiple transplanting.

As long as they have adequate light. Oxygen, and Water they will be fine. I would say by Friday we should see some nice pictures.

I think the nutes killed the plants. :(
The Blackberry is DEFINITELY dead, and the Afghan is dying for sure, I don't think I can salvage it. At least this grow has allowed me to learn a few mistakes and I can benefit from it in my next try. Hope to see you all along for that one. xD Keep subbed up to this one though, it will be how I let you guys know about the next one. :)
Oh! And also, when you were running the Bubbleponics 4real, how often did you have the pump running? I mean, when I first started this grow, I thought the idea of it was to have it running all the time, so how long should I keep it going for before turning it off then when I start a new grow?


Well-Known Member
Run it 24/7 its that drip system that fucked you in the start you want to use a spray bottle and wait till your plant is bigger then have in on a timer you'll just have to figure out when to turn in on and off but with a seedling i wouldn't suggest that tube feeder.


Well-Known Member
Like SlimJim503 said 24/7 my air pump and stones run, although I do not think it was the drip system that killed your plants but a build up of many stresses (the placement of the drip tube in the first pictures look suspect to me) but anyhow if you are sure they are dead toss them, but you would be surprised what plain old tap water can do.

However you decide, I will continue subbed for the next grow.

No no no, not the air pump, but it's the water pump I am talking about. The air pump is always on in my tank, that's a necessity. xD
So wait on the water pump though, just mist them while they are small until they grow up a bit and THEN start using the water tubes? o_O