First Ever Grow, Bubbleponics, Afghan Kush & 1 Yet To Be Decided

BlankCaption if your plants do not have roots that extend out the net pots yet than you will need your water level right at the level of the (rock wool or within a half inch or so) or continue using the drip system.

How many bubble stones do you have in your reservoir? as long as your plants roots are getting oxygenated air they will not rot or die.

I will wait on the pictures.

After the reservoir change, I am going to wait until the end of the day for the pictures, just because I want to give them a chance to bounce back from the brutal water they were getting. I think the change in reservoir may be all they actually needed from me. xD I will still pick up PH stuff to keep them in check, but hopefully by the end of the day they will be showing improvement. The plants had come out of the bottom of the pots, however, because I had to take them out this morning when I was altering some things, the roots will now have to re-grow through the pots, so I have the drip system still in place.

I only have one bubble stone in there, but it is about a foot and a bit long, and PLENTY of bubbles are coming out of it, so I think that it should be sufficient.
Thanks a lot for helping me here guys. Gotta love good ol' community oriented stoners. xD

you got a nice little setup going there, what lights are you using by the way?
I have a regular dual spectrum set of lights, and a Dual spectrum 2 set, the regulars I believe are 42 watts or something, and the big ones are like 120. But the big ones put out 8400 lumens. That is all the info I have on them. xD I threw out the boxes. haha. But they are from stealth hydro.
Yea man. The big ones are the Dual Spectrum 2 lights. They are 75 bucks. Not too bad. lol
If I remember the price correctly that is. I think that was what they were. Just too lazy to check. xD Haha. I think I am still burnt out from going to a vapor lounge last night. But it was soooo sick there.


Well-Known Member
After the reservoir change, I am going to wait until the end of the day for the pictures, just because I want to give them a chance to bounce back from the brutal water they were getting. I think the change in reservoir may be all they actually needed from me. xD I will still pick up PH stuff to keep them in check, but hopefully by the end of the day they will be showing improvement. The plants had come out of the bottom of the pots, however, because I had to take them out this morning when I was altering some things, the roots will now have to re-grow through the pots, so I have the drip system still in place.

I only have one bubble stone in there, but it is about a foot and a bit long, and PLENTY of bubbles are coming out of it, so I think that it should be sufficient.
Thanks a lot for helping me here guys. Gotta love good ol' community oriented stoners. xD

.. snip ..
I have the same Stealth Hydroponics kit, the pump and air stone do work well but once your plants root explode they will overpower the setup. I had to get a bigger pump with multiple air stones, strong healthy abundant roots make for bigger, tighter, sweeter bud.

Your in Toronto, if you got some extra cash head on over to PetSmart and pick up one of these 4 outlet pump for under $25.00 and some round bubble stones (I think they are about $3.99 each). Your reservoir with this equipment will look like a witches cauldron but your roots will thank you.



Yea man. The big ones are the Dual Spectrum 2 lights. They are 75 bucks. Not too bad. lol
If I remember the price correctly that is. I think that was what they were. Just too lazy to check. xD Haha. I think I am still burnt out from going to a vapor lounge last night. But it was soooo sick there.
Cool dude, I might buy some bigger CFL lights also (Im about to start my first grow) but for now im going to stick with the smaller ones. I hope their enough for 3 plants, you think? But anyway keep the updates coming i would like to see how your lights are working for ya bongsmilie
To be honest Dub, I have been told that the set of little lights wouldn't be enough for my 2 plants. So I have my doubts that it will work for three. But who knows, it may! You might just not get as huge a yield off of them. Because they say you get .5 grams per watt of lights.

Alright, thanks a lot RU, I will grab that stuff as soon as the roots start to grow out. My Blackberry's leaves were curled at the tip and a bit brown on the tip this morning, so I am hoping that the res change will bring them back to a healthy state. :/
Alright, so picture updates. I took a couple this morning and a couple now. I don't know, there is very minor change, but I think they look like they may be getting SLIGHTLY better. Blackberry's new leaves look nice, but the old ones may be a lost cause.

This Morning (Afghan first, then Blackberry)

Right Now (Same Order)


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately once the damage is done to the leaf it really cannot repair itself, they still look a little waterlogged is there enough bubbles at the root level?



Well-Known Member
Yeah the roskwool looks to wet and you have slight stretch so i would stop using that hose to water the rockwool and use a spray bottle or at least figure out a way you can turn off the hose and just keep the air stone going inside the tub say maybe run the hose for 12 hours then turn if off an let the rockwool dry for 24 hours something along those lines. Also i would try to get that stretch under control by adding another light or lowering the ones your using now a couple inches but do not go closer then about 6 inches right now i push all mine tho but at this stage i run about 6iches and lower slightly every week till im around 2-3 inches from the plant. Whats the specs on your CFLs what spectrum wattage and lums? You might want to consider making a wooden frame to go over your plants that way you can clamp or hang your lights off it or you could just make a frame for the sides and use those for side lighting and we could design you a CFL fixture to go over the top hung by yo-yo/hi-low light hangers can make if with stuff bought from local hardware store for i would say $50 give or take. You have enough light right now to veg for 2-4 weeks but not enough to bud unless you do a 12/12 right now even then the yield would be weak. I was running around 300w of cfl and got just under 2 zips but almost every lum was used i grow in a micro grow box for use CFL growers with have to focus all the light be can from the CFL on the plant and be able to move it as close as we can.

Take a pic of how you have it setup right before you fuck with anything so i can see like a standing back pic so i can see entire setup:-) Also i would like to see inside that tube so i can see the brains of the operation. Also you said something about it being half way full cuz it evaporated bro you got to changed that water once a week entirely and you should get another same sized tube so you can have a fresh clean tube ready for when you switch the water it makes things so much easier. Let us know what nutrients your using what mix your running take a pic with the lid off and the pump going and one with the pump off.
Yea, I have fixed the rockwool problem, turned off the hoses, letting it dry out for a bit, raised the water level too, just so that when the roots come down they will have readily available water. (Raised the water level AFTER completely changing it that is haha, and I will indeed change it completely every week here-on-in.... that is if my plants manage to survive. :/ Ugh, bad first grow. haha.

I will lower the lights as much as I can and then update with some pictures later today. Thanks a lot guys. At least this is a learning lesson for me... I may fail this grow, but at least I will be able to right these mistakes next time and maybe have a successful grow in the future. xD Honestly, I jumped into this with VERY little knowledge (because I am an idiot) hahaha. So I am kind of expecting it to not work out. But I am hoping that perhaps I will be able to keep one plant alive to grow out a bit. xD

Anyways, the smaller ones are 42 watts, no idea on the lumens and one of them is a red spectrum the other is the other spectrum, I don't know. xD They are the dual spectrum lights that you buy that should be good for both veg and flowering. The big ones are 8400 lumens each and 120 watts each. So total I am rocking just over 300 watts in there. I will lower the lights down a bit though like I said, and update some pictures later today.

Thanks so much for the help everyone! You guys are my saviors! xD
Alright, so as requested, I stood back and took a shot of the whole little tent, and then I got the plant pictures. As you can see, I lowered the lights, and the plants seem to be liking that quite a bit. The Blackberry's new leaves look fantastic. :)


Afghan, Then Blackberry, You Know The Drill!

EDIT: And I know the rockwool looks soaked in the pics, but it isn't. The water has been off and on and right now it is actually just moist. :)


Well-Known Member
Looking better and you can still lower the lights some more if you keep your temps ok, and make sure your rock wool does not completely dry out until you have a good root ball in the water. If the pump is off and they are getting dry you can turn it back on for a few minutes.

The next two to three weeks will start to get impressive growth, have you started to use nutrients yet? What size is your tent?



Well-Known Member
Nice buddy i would say leave the light where they are for the next week then lower them down a bit like 3-6 inches from the tops. If you do feed them start at 1/4 or 25% of the suggested feeding or even less at this stage. What day are you on and how are the roots looking? You dont want to change the setup everyday and from the pics they stopped stretching so i think your onto something with how its is right now but when they get bigger those lights will need to be closer well it all depends on what kind of buds you want and how you plan on finishing out this plant. Are you going to fim or top any are you going to LST or Scrog them or are you just going for single colas also do you plan on finishing them out with just those lights or are you going to get more? Nice work on the rockwool;-) Ima go back and read what the nutrients are.
Alright, I will put the lights down a little bit lower then and keep the temp monitored. I haven't let the rockwool dry out completely, I keep turning the water on and off to keep it moist.
The tent is 3x3x6 and I have not started the nutes yet. I thought the plants were too small for it. Should I put them in the next reservoir change? Maybe a 1/4 packet?
The roots have not started to come back out of the nets. When I moved them they were about 4 inches out of the rockwool, but when I put them back in after taking them out, the roots were all back in the rocks, so they haven't come back down yet, waiting to see them.
I am becoming worried again. There is some browning going on on the leaves of the afghan! Ugh! Could it be because there isn't enough oxygen? I need to buy the extra bubblers you were talking about. Ugh. Maybe I will be able to get into town tomorrow to do it.

Afghan to Blackberry

EDIT: Also! The roots have come out of the bottom of the basket again for the afghan, though not yet for the blackberry.


Well-Known Member
I would keep the water just under the net pot and use a spray bottle to moisten the rockwool.Raise the lights to 6-10 inches till it has it 3 to 5 nodes then lower then to 3-6 inches. If its hot to your hand its way to hot for your plants bro. What kind of intake and exhaust are you running?
I just have a fan in there and there is a 1 foot by 6 inch mesh screen I leave open to let the air out and take in fresh stuff. Should I get something else for it? I am keeping the water there, but I will raise the lights back up then just a tad. Thanks for the advice again. My plants would be dead without you guys. xD


Well-Known Member
I would get a fan for exhaust you might be able to get away with haveing a passive intake meaning no fan just open like you said but you should have a exhaust for sure. From the pics it looks like over watering and heat stress I hope some others will chime in on their thoughts but when trying to fix any problem its best to take it one step at a time meaning only change one thing at a time so you can go down the list marking shit off that didn't fix it till you find the problem cuz when you do a bunch of shit all at once you dont know really what effected it if you catch my drift. but i would raise the lights 6-10 inches get a temp gauge and place it right next two the plant if you get a in and out reader then you have two heat probes one for each plant so you get a better reading for the both of them. Do you know what you PH is? Also with the water say 3-5 inches below the net pots does the airstone soak/mist the entire pot and clay balls if so thats what you want but you want the root tips to be just touching the water now and let the pump keep them wet/moist. How hot is it outside and how hot does your house get do you have ac.....?