First ever grow /2x Fem Afghan Skunk /CFL /Comments welcome and most likely needed


Active Member
Afghan it anything like Super Skunk?

One thing I noticed that no one mentioned is the yellowing of the inner canopy leaves might not be caused due to any nutrient deficiencies, but due to lack of light penetration. When leaves are getting adequate light directly on them, they begin to yellow and eventually fall off, unable to properly photosynthesize
nutrients to stay healthy. So it may not be something you'd really have to worry about as long as most of your leaves are healthy. My Northern Lights plant has/had the same issue, and I realized it's due to penetration of light from dense foliage growth.

One thing that could help is putting reflectors on each of your CFL bundles; that would allow more intense light to hit the canopy, instead of lost lumens, since a large percentage of your light is possibly lost bouncing off the walls and around the space, not necessarily concentrated directly on the plants as you may want them for max bud growth. CFLs really have to be placed in a small space, or bundled with good reflection in a small space (such as a CFL hood/reflector), in order to get high light intensity. Otherwise you get good coverage, but little intensity per sq ft.

Everything is looking nice and I look forward to seeing some huge flowers soon. Subbing for your grow...I'm a big fan and student of growing with CFLs myself!


Well-Known Member
^^idk what this guy is talkin about? ive never heard of yellowing due to lack of light penetration, especially with 550watts!! everything looks good man I think they are yellowing because they need more food..yes most plants will stretch alot when you switch the light cycle and make sure you keep them fed!


Active Member
^^idk what this guy is talkin about? ive never heard of yellowing due to lack of light penetration, especially with 550watts!! everything looks good man I think they are yellowing because they need more food..yes most plants will stretch alot when you switch the light cycle and make sure you keep them fed!
You've never heard of leaves yellowing due to lack of light? Wow. Cannabis isnt the only plant I grow by the way.

And wattage has nothing to due with light penetration and intensity, especially when using CFLs.


Active Member
Afghan it anything like Super Skunk?

One thing I noticed that no one mentioned is the yellowing of the inner canopy leaves might not be caused due to any nutrient deficiencies, but due to lack of light penetration. When leaves are getting adequate light directly on them, they begin to yellow and eventually fall off, unable to properly photosynthesize
nutrients to stay healthy. So it may not be something you'd really have to worry about as long as most of your leaves are healthy. My Northern Lights plant has/had the same issue, and I realized it's due to penetration of light from dense foliage growth.

One thing that could help is putting reflectors on each of your CFL bundles; that would allow more intense light to hit the canopy, instead of lost lumens, since a large percentage of your light is possibly lost bouncing off the walls and around the space, not necessarily concentrated directly on the plants as you may want them for max bud growth. CFLs really have to be placed in a small space, or bundled with good reflection in a small space (such as a CFL hood/reflector), in order to get high light intensity. Otherwise you get good coverage, but little intensity per sq ft.

Everything is looking nice and I look forward to seeing some huge flowers soon. Subbing for your grow...I'm a big fan and student of growing with CFLs myself!
You've never heard of leaves yellowing due to lack of light? Wow. Cannabis isnt the only plant I grow by the way.

And wattage has nothing to due with light penetration and intensity, especially when using CFLs.

Hey lads,

Yeah I think I got the yellowing of the leaves from not feeding her in time as my medium was gold label special mix which provided the ladies nice for about 1 month,

As ye may of read earlier in the journal I did notice a yellowing but then another 3 days went past because of me being all noob and not planning thing but then drowning my ph meter, so she did show sign of neglect following this,

I have just starting giving them full strength medi-one and bud link, this week and they are looking quite healthy now….

Another thing I will do next time is fill the soil in my bucket up closer to the top, I left about 3 inches from the top thinking with limited head room it would be better, but the immediate fan leaves that grew ended up head butting the pots and were unable to reach above so they are dark all day a lot and have all passed away since,

I did try and support them so they could reach over the top but it was a fruitless exercise…..

As for the reflectors , I only have one on the 250W cfl, the rest are all in holders that split to two cfls…. I have seen some diy reflectors for single older but not for double…..

If you know of such available let me know robnarley….

Not sure on similarities of Super Skunk rob, but must be a relative….., Ill be having a grow with LSD on my next grow, ill keep an eye on your grow… looking good man


Well-Known Member
You've never heard of leaves yellowing due to lack of light? Wow. Cannabis isnt the only plant I grow by the way.

And wattage has nothing to due with light penetration and intensity, especially when using CFLs.
NO i NEVER have and i looked into it and i couldnt even find an example of it!!! it doesnt even make any sense!...cannabis isnt the only plant you grow,,BUT we are talking about CANNABIS here!!!? you're talking to someone whos grown herb in under 200 Watts of light and never experienced what you are talking about...probably because you are talking out your ass people here on RUI have a serious problem spreading false info


Active Member
Flowering Day 19 (57)

Evening one an' all…..

Days have been flying by and the girls got a bit droopy from lack of watering, I pretty much alternate watering and feeding now every two days,

As I said before using media one and bud link on full strength for the past 10/12 days or so….

Temps been about 58-75 with 580 watts between the girls,

They have slowed down on the growth spurt the past week swell which is good,

Gunna probably keep them in the room as much as poss now as they are getting too bushy to bring in and out…. (so pic will be a bit scheisse)

Still got some yellowing of leaves ay the bottom, not many and if i can see a pattern it follows from where I lst'd them… rest of the girls seem all good,

I'm seeing the buds forming now…. its a joy watching them growing up…

I've smoked for over 20 years and didn't have a rats ass about how to grow this plant before riu, so a big big big thanks to all for all the info that people have contributed to this site…

'tis fucking amazing…

Have a gander and let me know how they are looking…. Hugs….








CFL too close, ouch





Active Member
Can anyone advise when I should stop foliar spraying the ladies, I usually spray them with ph'd water

I was just about to spray them last night before lights out but then wondered whether I should or not with the buds starting to form.

They are Day 22 in flower,


Active Member
Flowering Day 23(61)

How do folks,

Nothing much ado with the girls, I let the temps down to 52F last night .. forgot to switch the tube heater back on…..

Loads of pistils coming out, starting to give outta nice stink….

I am gonna be away for 8 days at xmas, so I have to sort out watering them while away,

I figure a large bucket, pump, hose and 4 or 5 drip feed stems?

Anyone done similar, not too much expense? must read up a lil...

Heres tonights pic, bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie












Active Member
Flowering Day 34(72)

Hi everyone,Just a couple of quick photo's from last night, ]

Everything appears to be going good, getting frosty and the buds are forming nicely...

I have belatedly started to add some extra nutes, got some molasses, bloom booster and great white mycorrhizae. This is on top of media-one and budlink silica.

Probably should of started adding these when I switched to flower, but hey ho… gonna feed them this until day 46 then just use water and some molasses through to harvest,

Got a reservoir and a pump to feed the girls whilst I will be away which will be between Day 46 and 54….

Have a look at the pic below and let me know how they look…. (its tough to get decent pictures in the confines of the grow)



to have all them lights do u just plug into a extension lead .. or do use a contactor etc ,, bit confused on lighting ..any help apreicated


Active Member
to have all them lights do u just plug into a extension lead .. or do use a contactor etc ,, bit confused on lighting ..any help apreicated
Hey DB,

I have an 1x 8 and 1x 4 socket extension, mainly for lights on a timer,

2 socket extension, for the two small fans on a timer,

my carbon filter is directly plugged into a socket as it run 24/7,

thats pretty much it,

contractors seem expensive but maybe something i invest in if i continue growing… I have spent plenty on this grow so far but it means I have sufficient stock now for further grows…. hope tho helps...


Active Member
morning all,

I haven't quite figured out the ec and how to measure and what to look for,

so I am gunna jot down these values from my ec metre, if anyone can enlighten me,

feed going in this morning gave me a reading of

Going in ;1960uS

Run off ; 2090uS

If anyone can shed some light brill, I did have a read yesterday of a thread but still haven't got it down …...


Active Member
Flowering Day 39(77)

Hello my furry farmers, well things are progressing here ….

ladies have taken nicely to the bloom boost and the molasses…...

buds getting nice, smell getting amazing… and getting a frosty glow...

temps have remained good now, 80f high 62f low…

Day 45 is going to be the last day I give nutes… run through then on Ph'd water till the end…

heres a few pics of how they are, afghan 1 is towards the back…

any thoughts or advice guys...












New Member
Looking good and green man! "When temperatures rise above 78 degrees, cannabis’ rate of growth slows once again as the plant uses part of its energy to dissipate heat and keep its water content constant. The rate of growth continues to slow as the temperature rises. Photosynthesis and growth stop somewhere in the 90’s."

Keep up the good grow man ill be watching :joint::weed:


Active Member
Flowering Day 45(83)

Ok folks, last update till the new year …

Got a reservoir, pump and 2ltr/hr drippers…

got they're last feeding 2 days ago… from here on in its just water….

banging smell now, have the ona block deployed….. but it is def coming out onto the street which aint good… only slightly though…

better upgrade next time,

temps about 75 - 62 f daily…

Here's some pic's from today, tell me what ye reckon good? or Bad?

Worried theres no disaster whilst away… touch wood……..

Here a few pics...

Main Buds,






Whole Shots




Drip feeder,

water feed.jpg

Almost there, 2 more weeks or so...


New Member
Yah very good first grow. I'm thinking of adding a bunch of cfl's and t5's to mine to replace an extra 600watt light. Save on electro. But so far so great on the first grow, it's good to see other people's first grows!