First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*


Well-Known Member

Looks like it's leaning to be a gurl- but like canna said- it may be too early to call....
I think it is judgin by the first pic..... But I wont say congratulations just yet....... Give her another day or two and u should know for sure......


Well-Known Member
yeah i think another week will totaly comfirm it for me as for the lighting cycle i started her with 24h darkness then moved to 12/12 for 2weeks and now shes been on 11/13 since so this thursday coming will be her 3rd week with good results im hoping!


Well-Known Member
yeah i think another week will totaly comfirm it for me as for the lighting cycle i started her with 24h darkness then moved to 12/12 for 2weeks and now shes been on 11/13 since so this thursday coming will be her 3rd week with good results im hoping!

Good luck with that! Which one is that again?


Well-Known Member
Its my Shiva2, shes looking amazing today. her lower 4 branches hav grown more visible hairs now and she looks like shes going into the fuzzy stage of flowering wher bud sites just pop up everywhere and everyday bt ill hav a proper update with some pics of how shes doing on thursday. The others outside are also doing great, the white widow has 6complete branches now growing up into a bush and the Shiva1 after the fim has also grown out 6nice top branches so with those and my shiva indoors also having 6top branches.....i guess you could call be the SixBranchMaster! :blsmoke::weed:


Well-Known Member
Morning bro i know its noon there its 5:22am here and i gotta be at work in 30 min just wanted to be a pot head and drop by


Well-Known Member
Hahahahaha!!!! man u can be a pot head around these parts anytime u want, i like the SixCollaRolla thing :blsmoke:
im gonna be hitting a Spliff myself pretty soon. WEEEEEEEEEEED!!!! Mary Jane!! Spliff pliff spliff!! Pot pot! doooobie!!! :hump:

iv always just wanted to do that on the internet! next stop......FOX TV!


Well-Known Member
UPDATE!! :hump:

so Shiva2 is now in her 3rd week of flowering today! Her hairs are completely visible now and on all the branches the leaves hav begun to get a redish purple tint to them on the stems. She might be a hermi tho....wich is why i need sum1 to confirm. Pics 1 - 6
im flushing her once a week now with 2l water and a teaspoon molases then i water her every 3rd day or so with a mix of organic seaweed nutes for blooming, a bit of honey mixed in water.

all my other babies are doing good, Mary and Jane are still tiny so ill get picks wen they bigger, ppp is going good, mww is a shrub bush!! and shiva 1 is a tiny tree already.

Peace out guys, Jah Bless!!



Well-Known Member
got yourself a herm.

wanna hear somtin funny dude

2 days ago i found out my girl was a heshe and thought i was growin sensi this whole time. nope riddled with fuckin seeds.
in my opinion man if i found a hermie this early id kill it or get the dutch master reverse and penetrate ti stop it from producing seeds.

look that shit up it works!!!
lol im kinda pissed but at least i can say that i kicked the black market and grew my own shit. thats all i ever wanted to say


Well-Known Member
Dam that sux ass!
Well, you could kill it, or you can put a lot of time in and pluck all those bastards off as you see them.... It'll still smoke, just might not be as potent as it coulda been......
It's up to you.....Personally, I'd put the extra time in and pluck them off as they show..... I mean u came this far right, and if it has the potential to give you something- why the hell not?


Well-Known Member
FUCK YEAH!! exactly! this is the closest iv ever gotten to growing my own bud and its so close im not gonna giv up now! im gonna pluck all those little bastards off as they grow and just let the budsites do their thing, there aint allotta balls so it shouldnt be too bad. Thanx for the info guys, im gonna hav to do sum work asap.


Active Member
Those damn hermies sons of B's I had a few great looking plants, buds started getting fat and didnt even look hermish....I take a look under the skirt and at the bottom nodes and some nuts just a hanging and breakin. I got soooo lucky they didnt jump all over my flowering girls. Was soo dense I think heshe humped his/her self lol ....


Well-Known Member
Hell Yea! That's the way I'd go for sure.... Takes a lil extra work, but shit u came this far to just hafta pull it up and have all that time wasted...... I think u made a good call!


Well-Known Member
Dude my shit is full of seeds and im still growin it. It makes it easier to sample now though lol im like " seedy pot wtf" and have already smoked 3 bowls off my plant.....dude once full flushed its gonna be literally the best weed ive ever smoked (that probably doesnt mean much to you but if you knew what i have seen, where ive been and what ive smoked it might)

anyhow. Grow my brother, one day im getting the fuck out of america and might have more peace of mind and will be able to pursue my dream more efficiently without the dea everywhere


Well-Known Member
Don - thanx dude, yeah i just fucking cut those dudes off, i can see one or 2more here and there bt ill wait till they geta bit bigger, its quite hard cuttin them off cuz they so small.

Cannacult - atleast u got same awesome seeds to keep the strain going man, id love u sample that shit and beleive me dude, iv been allotta places too and im sure most of us hav so any kinda special grown weed would be ona the best smokes ever! Peace!


Well-Known Member
LAXSkunkylicousBws - long time man! yeah they doing great! flowering righ now hoping for sumthing good. ill stay tuned man, cant wait to see your next grow and best of luck brother!

Cannacult - iv got the big ideas too man, if we didnt hav...certain restrictions... :cuss:weed would be more free but it will change and ppl will see the truth about it bt until then we can always just use our skills, grow trees, hustle and then buy a fucking farm :blsmoke: grow even bigger trees and be number one supplier of literary all types of hemp products as well as grower and conniseour of incredible strains.....i dunno i guess when i think about it thats what id wanna do :weed:


Well-Known Member
manik you have the right idea. once im done with my plant biology major and microbiology minor in school i have a friend that clips buds in nor cal on an illegal farm and has a spot for me. its risky, very but hey.....who knows i might learn a thing or two over a summer. i want to get my credentials together and grow at a compassion club for real though, because in my eyes the terminally ill deserve the best cannabis they can get and its my goal to one day provide it for them.


Well-Known Member
Damn straight! U both got the right ideas! Grow big or stay home! Wouldn't that be the shit to be the top cannabis producer(s) of the world!?!?!

Looks like we all got the right ideas! Let's roll with it and do our thing!


Well-Known Member
hell yeah guys!! guess its all our dream to Grow Big and make some Monster Strains. i wish u all the best of luck and im sure one day we'll all be (colla)borating on the biggest grow the world will ever witness with such A Grade strains even the smell of the plants makes u weak at the knees :weed: