First ever attempt

I'm on my first ever attempt. Treated myself to a 4x4 tent with starter kit. Decided to go with feminized Nirvana Northern Lights. I think ive been pretty good to them, but i'd like a second opinion because ive searched online for pictures to compare them to and cant find any of a similar age. So was hoping you could all give your advice. Firstly... how do i post a picture?


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press manage attachements at the bottom of the post then press select files and add away!


Well-Known Member
They look very happy. nice n green. I like the airpots. what are you running for a light? im sure you can get it a lil closer to them.

Im not really sure if it makes a difference or not, but it does seem to be a general consensus you want you light as close as possible with out causing any damage, excess heat, or light bleaching the leaves.
I had some light bleach damage on two of my girls on the last run, deff wasnt heat. those 2 plants I had to let go a week longer than the others. Im sure they could have gone a tad longer than that even, but they were at that point holding up production...
Ive got a 600watt hps blue enriched bulb, its not turned on in this picture as i was taking a quick snap just after turning it off for their nap.
Might have hit a bit of an issue.... ive just 12/12 my ladies and their just under halfway up my tent and seriously bushy. I should take some leaf off i guess but i'm worried i will remove too much and kill them. Also worried they might get too tall... should i get a second tent to space them out? Can i train them to grow sideways instead of up and is it okay to cut off the big single leaves because their blocking a lot of light?I did order the Jorge Cervantes grow bible but it hasnt turned up. Your help would be very much appreciated.
From the gal with greenthumbs.


Well-Known Member
Look around the forums for info on LST - that is basically training them to spread out more. SCROG is another method, although it involves more setup with the screen and all. The Newbie section (er, this section!) of the forum has some stickies, including one with links to some of Jorge's videos. Good luck!