First Enlightning Experience on 2c-e


Well, if anyone remembers, close to a year ago I tried my first psychedelic in 2c-e. I left a long trip report about how excited I was but the next 3 trips were very, very dull. It was fun seeing all the colors and watching items shrink and grow. But, that got very old after 30 minutes. After two more trips of using around 15-18 mgs of 2c-e It was all the same. It got to the point to where I was like, ok I hear all these stories about profound, enlightning, mind exploring trips but I'm not getting anything close to that. Just some visual distortion and a ton of annoying body load. Yea, 2c-e was boring. I just let it sit in my closet to collect dust.

Well, It's been around 6 months and for some reason I had these feelings last week that " You know what, I'm going to get on some 2c-e and dammit I better have an out of this world experience. " I just had these feelings that I wasn't properly prepared to enjoy the full potential of 2c-e.

So friday I rushed home from work around 10pm, I added a house, trance, dance radio station on pandora. (Keep in mind, I'm a black dude and know nothing about trance but I just wanted to try something different since listening to hip hop did dick all to my last trips. if anything it bugged me out.) I downloaded a visulisor app on my ipod and connected it to my 42" lcd tv. Took 1 benydryl pill, shaved, then hopped in the shower. After I got out the shower I just started reading mma fourms until I felt the substance was kicking in. I didn't see notice anything different but once an hour passed by I noticed I could no longer read and was just staring at the computer screen. That's when I knew the time was coming...

Finally, I just shut the computer off, Played some trance music on pandora, and watched the tv as the visulizor just bounced and changed colors every second. I drifted into another dimension.

I laid down, stared at the ceiling, and realized, I was the artist who wrote those songs I was listening to... I was actually visulizing the lyrics of everything that was being said in the songs. and when I would sit up and stare at the tv, I would travel along with the different shapes and flow with the beats of the songs.

This, by far was the most intense, profound, and enlightening trip I've had and this is exactly what I've been looking for in pyshs.

Damn fellas, this is so hard to put into words and I'm sure you experienced trippers know exactly where I'm coming from. I was living the lyrics of the songs that played..... In my mind.... That was just absolutly amazing. I truely believe trance music was designed to tickle the mind (help the mind travel). The beats just really immerse you into a deep 'trance'. And when you're on a pysch, you're 200% immersed. It's not like when you're on an x pill and you just want to bounce off the walls and dance around like a fucking crank head. The lyrics literally manifested in my mind.

When I decided to take the head phones off and check out the oev those were just out of this world. Before, I would see the celing closing in on me and the walls breathing. Ooohh how fun! Yea, for the first 5 minutes. After that the shit gets annoying and old. this time, There were shadows coming out of the walls leaning torwards me but would never touch me, just go in and out, in and out. There was this bright ass green light right next to me. It was like a spirit. But, I just ignored it all and enjoyed the experience.

I felt like I was in my living room filled with spirits because I could just feel them.

The negatives was that during the peak and on I just had that nausea feeling everyone complains about. I never vomitted but i just had that uncomfortable feeling that one wrong move and I'd throw up. That sucked. The body load wasn't nearly as bad as my other 2c-e experiences though! I just hated the fact that I felt nausious during the whole trip.

Pros. I finally felt connected with the world. Whenever I would let my thoughts take over, I would imagine certain senarios with friends and I could actually feel how they felt at the moment and then I would go back into my mind and feel how I felt at the time. Almost like a time travel and I went back in time and experienced everything over again. I literally had like 5 different conversations in my mind with other people who I know and every once in a while I'd have that one thought creep in saying, "what if your girl walks in on you? She'll think you're fucking nuts talking to no one fool". Then another thought would say "look dummy, you're not actually talking you're just thinking". Lol that kind of got overwhelming after a while but I kept it all under control and just enjoyed myself.

After about 5 hours of full blown tripping I realized my girl would be waking up any minute for work so I popped two benzos to snap me out of the trip. (and boy did I hate cutting it short.)

Ok, I just had to let my fellow rollituppers in on my experience. I noticed 2c-e hasn't been talked about as much lately and at one point it was the hottest thing out there. My vendor no longer sales because of all the controversy surrounding it so I'm going to make this last 100 or so mgs last me and then see what this mxe is all about.

Btw, I was on around 25 mgs of 2c-e. my max before that was 18.

Truley enlightning experience and I'm very happy I can share it with you all. If I told any of my boys this they'd probably think I was retarded.

Has anyone had any familiar feelings as I described? Like visualizing the lyrics of a song? have mutilple conversations in your mind and actualy having the thoughts of someone you were think about? Man, truely amazing.

Oh yea, Another trippy part was when I laid down on the couch and just looked at the ceiling....I was seeing something that looked like vein/ blood vessels just floating around? That was beyond trippy! I was like holy shit! I really wish I could've walked around outside and checked out nature. Oh well, I'll try that next time.
going from 18 - 25 mg although it sounds like a small increment, is actually quite large. 2c-e is one of those drugs where you dont need much, and going over 30mg can be dangerous. with that i think 25mg is perfect for a really good trip. what i remember from my trip visually was kaleidoscopes; saw them everywhere and it really made the trip a lot of fun. mentally i felt like i was one with everything and everyone around me. i started having a bad trip then went to my buddies room to be alone so i can relax, and the rooms energy some how calmed me. once i got everyone in the room we all went on a musical journey listening to a shit ton of IDM. later on my buddy showed me the old chinese board game GO and I felt like i had the universe at my finger tips. honestly for me the nausea didnt set in until i was coming down and was actually more painful than most times i get nauseous... more shit happened that night but i dont remember it.

damn after rereading that, I realized i should never write anything stoned. weed destroys any writing skills i may have.